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Home > Textbook Lists > Remembering the Kanji 3
The third of three volumes that teaches the 3007 most frequent Kanji. This book teaches 965 Kanji, following up on the 2042 Kanji studied in the first two books.
Written by James Heisig and published by the University of Hawaii Press. Second edition (2008).
Note: This list just teaches the writing for the characters; it does not include the readings or definitions and does not include the compounds used for studying the readings.
47 words
Chapter 1: New Primitives
16 words
Chapter 1: New Kanji From Old Primitives
27 words
Chapter 2: Person
6 words
Chapter 2: Ice
4 words
Chapter 2: Wind
4 words
Chapter 2: Sabre
2 words
Chapter 2: Bound
5 words
Chapter 2: Cliff
29 words
Chapter 2: Mouth
10 words
Chapter 2: Soil
15 words
Chapter 2: Woman
2 words
Chapter 2: Child
7 words
Chapter 2: House
7 words
Chapter 2: Flag
7 words
Chapter 2: Mountain
3 words
Chapter 2: Towel
6 words
Chapter 2: Cave
4 words
Chapter 2: Bow
31 words
Chapter 2: Fingers
9 words
Chapter 2: State
48 words
Chapter 2: Water
3 words
Chapter 2: Father
12 words
Chapter 2: Pack
65 words
Chapter 2: Flowers
12 words
Chapter 2: Road
2 words
Chapter 2: City
2 words
Chapter 2: Pinnacle
7 words
Chapter 2: Heart
18 words
Chapter 2: Sun
18 words
Chapter 2: Flesh,
62 words
Chapter 2: Tree
1 word
Chapter 2: Fur
16 words
Chapter 2: Fire,
3 words
Chapter 2: Cow
16 words
Chapter 2: Jewel
3 words
Chapter 2: Field
8 words
Chapter 2: Sickness
4 words
Chapter 2: Eye
2 words
Chapter 2: Arrow
11 words
Chapter 2: Rock
7 words
Chapter 2: Altar
9 words
Chapter 2: Wheat
5 words
Chapter 2: Hole
5 words
Chapter 2: Vase
5 words
Chapter 2: Cloak
20 words
Chapter 2: Bamboo
7 words
Chapter 2: Rice
19 words
Chapter 2: Thread
2 words
Chapter 2: Boat
5 words
Chapter 2: Ear
17 words
Chapter 2: Insect
2 words
Chapter 2: Net
2 words
Chapter 2: Clothes
3 words
Chapter 2: Thanksgiving
24 words
Chapter 2: Words
4 words
Chapter 2: Car
2 words
Chapter 2: Badger
5 words
Chapter 2: Shell
6 words
Chapter 2: Wooden
6 words
Chapter 2: Whisky
2 words
Chapter 2: Barley
20 words
Chapter 2: Metal
4 words
Chapter 2: Gates
2 words
Chapter 2: Weather
2 words
Chapter 2: Mist
6 words
Chapter 2: Leather
9 words
Chapter 2: Head
6 words
Chapter 2: Food
8 words
Chapter 2: Team
17 words
Chapter 2: Fish
10 words
Chapter 2: Bird
3 words
Chapter 2: Deer
105 words
Chapter 3: Miscellaneous Kanji
8 words
Chapter 4: Western Measurements
10 words
Chapter 5: Phonetic Characters
37 words
Chapter 6: Old and Alternate Forms
7 words
Chapter 14: Supplementary Kanji