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Exporting Words into traditional

west316   March 3rd, 2011 12:43p.m.

I am trying to make a master list of all of my vocabulary in traditional characters. I have studied mainly simplified up to this point. I have studied four textbooks worth of traditional, but I would like to do a master dump of my word list. That would get my traditional reading skills on par with my simplified reading skills.

I can export "my words" to get the master list of my simplified with no problem. I can't find any way to make that word dump result in the traditional variations, though.

Is there any easy way to get that result?

nick   March 3rd, 2011 3:08p.m.

If you turn your account settings to traditional only and then export by next, does it do what you want?

west316   March 3rd, 2011 4:07p.m.

I just tried that. It gave me half of my vocabulary. That might be a bug for you to hunt down. I doubt it is an important one, though.

I found a way to get my desired results. I swapped it over to traditional and then pulled up all of the lists I had studied in the past. I only use lists. One advantage of that is that it is easy for me to recreate my vocabulary. I can export each list individually and then put them together into a master list. I will lose a few words like 一夜情, but that isn't a big deal. Thanks, Nick.

Now I just need to figure out how to match the lists into a super Anki deck for learning my traditional characters...

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