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Skipping writing part

swedmonkey   January 19th, 2011 5:49p.m.

I have discovered that skritter tends to skip adding the writing part of several kanjis to practice, and so then I have to go and manually add them. And sometimes it skips some kanjis completely. Have I missed some setting here or is it a bug?

wispfrog   January 20th, 2011 7:44p.m.

It unfortunately depends on the study settings at the time the character is added.

I regard this as a bug, and wish that they would split out the choice of what is added from the choice of what is currently in practise.

nick   January 21st, 2011 10:37a.m.

It's in the works. swedmonkey, could having certain parts disabled at the time of adding explain what happened? Also note that some words in some of the textbook lists are marked to avoid studying the kanji, as a lot of times students learn the word without the writing at first. Could that have been it?

swedmonkey   January 21st, 2011 3:38p.m.

The reading and defintion of the kanji never gets skipped; only the writing part. The kanji-writings that was skipped was from a custom list made by myself, and at the time of creating it I had both the "Study all kanji in lists" setting on and "Study rare kanji" on.

nick   January 21st, 2011 4:22p.m.

It's not at the time of creating the list, but rather the time when each word is added to My Words while studying the list--could those settings have been different then? Which list is it?

swedmonkey   January 21st, 2011 4:35p.m.

No, I haven't changed the settings since I added them. The list is "Japanese Core 2000".

A list where almost none of the kanjis have its writing part studied is the JLPT level 4 (2009) list. But since I didn't create that list myself I just figured that it may have been supposed to be like that.

nick   January 21st, 2011 4:45p.m.

Okay, it's definitely seeming like a bug. Two further question: do you study this list by itself, each section by itself, or "Study All My Words"? Do you click the manual add + to add words, or do you let them be automatically added?

Thanks! Hope to get this figured out for you.

swedmonkey   January 22nd, 2011 8:58a.m.

I always study by the "Study all my words" and I let new words be added automatically.

Thank you for taking your time. :)

scott   January 27th, 2011 3:26p.m.

Well I did a thorough investigation, but I can't reproduce the problem when studying all words. I found a whole mess of bugs related to studying sections individually which could have caused the problem, but you never used the study section buttons? They're the ones at the bottom of any given section page.

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