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Idea for enhancement - changing study settings for each textbook

pjankiewicz   January 12th, 2011 7:19p.m.


At first, let me give a little background. I'm learning from a textbook (during my chinese course). I have it on my queue. Then I also learn from Heisig's "Remembering simplified hanzi".

I want to do full reviews of my textbook (Writing, Tone, Reading and Definition) and writing only for Heisig. I would like to change the study settings for each textbook separately.

What do you guys think about it?


MasterOfComboBoxes   January 13th, 2011 12:06a.m.

Hi Pawel,
you can achieve that easily by studying a list or section and then changing the settings to writing prompts only.

You just need to be careful when you go back to another list. I usually study either reading or writing as I do not like switching between pen and keyboard. Let's say you have reading mode only and you add new characters from the list, then only reading will be activated but not writing for those new characters.

Going manually through the pop-ups adding back writing is tedious. But you can also restart adding from an earlier section or cram it and then the missing prompts will be added.

Best regards,

nick   January 13th, 2011 11:13a.m.

MasterOfComboBoxes has it.

We do have some goals to get the parts studying controls to be more specific, so you don't have to manually change them all the time, but it'll be a while before we can realize them, as the design is tricky.

pjankiewicz   January 13th, 2011 6:13p.m.

Thanks for the workaround! It sounds rather easy to do so I will give it a try.

That's ok. Alex's solution seems fine.

Thank you guys for helping me.

MasterOfComboBoxes   January 15th, 2011 1:33a.m.

Hi Nick,
actually I have tried going through a section again to get the other prompts such as definition or pinyin or writing that are missing. But it is still tedious as you have to repeat all the characters of that section while there are maybe just two or three pinyin prompts missing.

As I add characters from the popup in either reading or writing continuosly I keep ending up with loads of incomplete prompts. I have the impression that I spend more time learning characters I do not write for instance, so I like completing the prompts.

With no list for queued items I have used HSK or my NPCR list which are quite complete to find non-activated prompts, then using the pop-up too add missing prompts.

What costs time is the pages with just 30 words in HSK, the clicking for pop-up and then each prompt:

I'd love to have
- a function that adds/deactivates prompts for those words/characters where you have one prompt already whatsoever (maybe on list basis or for all of mywords)
-you might want to throw in a question if you want to do this as you will lose your prompting history or add lot of items to the queue.

instead of that:
- add an all prompts button in pop-up (makes it faster if all or three are not added)
- in the vocabulary list view with expanded progress a white rectangle does not show, if you simply did not learn it or if it is white because not prompted at all.
-activation of a prompt there without pop-up might be a good way to speed up adding prompts but at least make it visible if practiced (red letter if not prompted, black if prompted, for visually impaired fat/non-fat/italicized)

If too much work :-)
Add the 4 prompt types to the export, then we can sort by that, add the words with missing prompts to a temporary list and work quickly through it either with the pop-up or by practicing through and thus adding them.

Thx for reading,

MasterOfComboBoxes   January 15th, 2011 2:53a.m.

Ok I just found out, that the fat and non-fat distinguishes between being studied or not :-) Skritterers thought faster again.

The export feature would be great though or the auto-add :-)

nick   January 15th, 2011 9:37a.m.

An easier way to do it is to set yourself to the beginning of the list with all parts activated, and then let it automatically add whatever missing parts you have.

So say you've gone through eleven sections of HSK 2, and some words are missing reading, some are missing writing. Go to HSK 2, click to change study settings, and set yourself back to the first section. Now enable both reading and writing in your parts, then go to practice the list (or everything). As you add words while practicing, it'll grab the missing items. (It may take a little while each time as it has to look through all the ones you've already done.)

Doesn't work for the queue until we turn the queue into a real list.

We are planning on making add/deleting a whole word in the word popup a bit faster.

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