Looks like the Great Firewall or something like it is preventing you from completely loading www.skritter.com because it is hosted on Google App Engine, which is periodically blocked. Try instead our mirror:


This might also be caused by an internet filter, such as SafeEyes. If you have such a filter installed, try adding appspot.com to the list of allowed domains.

getting 'stuck' a lot!

dorritg   December 16th, 2010 1:28a.m.

I just posted recently about this issue. Sorry for the quasi-repeat but wasn't sure if I'd get a response if I added a comment to my last post. My problem is that I'm getting stuck virtually every time I practice. When I reach the end of the reviews that are due I don't get new words. Instead I just keep getting more reviews in order of which will be due next (97% due, 94% due, 87% due...). Sometimes if I go back to the main page then start studying again I can get one new word before getting stuck again. When I am stuck the blue indicator for reviews doe does not go down (but occasionally goes up). It generally indicates a small. number of reviews due. The green new words added indicator always shows some words. I have lots of words in my queue and two active lists with words still to be added so it shouldn't be a problem of not having words left to add. I'm using Chrome on Vista. There do appear to be JavaScript errors when this occurs, but I don't know enough to interpret them. They seem to indicate problems accessing a resource. This is pretty frustrating so any advice would be welcome!

FatDragon   December 16th, 2010 8:23a.m.

Depending on how aggressively you have Skritter add words, it could just be that Skritter doesn't think you're ready for a new word yet. You could try clicking the plus sign to add new words manually, though it often sticks in a review or two in between just for kicks and giggles.

dorritg   December 16th, 2010 8:50a.m.

I've tried the plus sign...it usually adds a bunch of words to the green words added indicator. If I'm lucky I actually get one of them. I have Skritter set to the default pace for adding words. I think I've only gotten about 20 new words in about a week with an average of about 90 minutes/day studying and overall retention rate in the green zone (i.e. between 85% and 95%) so it seems awfully slow. I'll try upping the rate at which Skritter adds words, though, to see if that helps. Thanks!

scott   December 16th, 2010 5:02p.m.

Each time you hit the green button it adds one word, but it may look like a bunch were added because the number refers to the number of items added, not the number of words (so if you added the definition, the tone, the reading, and the writing, that's four).

I was able to add a couple words with the green plus button to your account no problem, so I'm not sure what's causing the problem. Let us know if changing those settings helps. Mainly upping the rate of addition should help, and keep using the green plus button to encourage more adding. Lowering your retention rate will decrease how often you see old words, so will indirectly increase the number of new words you see.

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