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"167 items due today?!"

toughluck   December 8th, 2010 3:08a.m.

Hey there, quick question.

Why does the Practice bar thing always give me so many "due" vocab words for today? Today when I checked it, it said I had 167 words due, but when I looked at Thursday's, only 3 were due. What does this mean?


- Aubrie

Mandarinboy   December 8th, 2010 3:35a.m.

If you hover the the mouse over the bars you will see an explanation of this. It is simply telling you how many items will be due that day or are left due on the day you are at. This number can increase/decrease during the week due to how much you practice/how much you get right etc. Look at it as a guide to what you have ahead of you for the coming week. I find i very useful for me since it helps med plan how much time i need to skritter for the coming week.

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