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jcdoss   November 2nd, 2010 10:57a.m.

How about a forum thread where anyone can post their accomplishments? Want to toot your own horn about something? Did you just finish a long list, pass X words, or exceed x% retention rate? Post your Skritter-related accomplishments here!

I just passed a milestone; I passed 1000 words learned in Japanese. :-D

jww1066   November 2nd, 2010 12:58p.m.

Woohoo, my "items to review" is now below 3,000 for the first time in weeks! ;P


nickybr38   November 2nd, 2010 4:39p.m.

My victory was knowing 50 words in Chinese. haha. It's a LOOONG time before I reach the 1000 mark. Congrats jcdoss, btw!

And James - YIKES.

wispfrog   November 2nd, 2010 7:47p.m.

I'm still just a few short of 1000 writings, but I /have/ just passed 100 'skritter hours' of study.

Can't fault it for giving me the motivation to do a bit each day!

Mandarinboy   November 3rd, 2010 5:40a.m.

@jcdoss, congratulations! I wish I where there. My Japanese is much less than that and i would have helped me a lot in my daily life in Tokyo to be at that level. Keep up the good work!

@Nickybr38, 50 is a good start and every journey starts with a first step so we have all been there. You seems very focused on your study is I am sure we soon will see you pass 100, 500 etc.

FatDragon   November 3rd, 2010 7:31a.m.

@James - Nice. I was there a couple months ago, and it takes some serious effort to dig yourself out of a hole like that. It's worth it once you're out, though.

jww1066   November 3rd, 2010 1:01p.m.

@FatDragon Thanks. But really, I've been in this situation several times and am not stressed at all. It's just a matter of having other priorities that take me away from Chinese study, sometimes for weeks or months at a time.

william   November 4th, 2010 9:27a.m.

Been using Skritter for about a week now and just passed 1000 character writings learned. Most of them I already learned years ago though, but still, I had a hard time remembering a lot of characters which I didn't write the last two years since I moved back to Europe. I'll probably steamroll up till about 2500 character writings learned this month, and after that it's going to be a lot slower, cause I'll actually have to learn new characters, not refresh old knowledge.

I don't know what I'm aiming for. I guess I need 4000 to feel comfortable reading literature?

I'm reading Chinese books now but I'm looking up characters/words all the time. I would define "comfortable" if I would just have to look up about five words a page.

Thomas   November 4th, 2010 10:01a.m.

@william what kind of books are you reading?

I barely know 2000 characters and I'd only have to look up 5 characters a page if I was that curious, usually not in the mood. That's with science text books and some newer novels my girlfriend picks out for me.

Byzanti   November 4th, 2010 11:56a.m.

Huh? Didn't you say you were doing a non-Chinese subject in Chinese at a Chinese university or something?

Thomas   November 4th, 2010 8:14p.m.

@Byzanti yeah, passed the 2000 character mark a few weeks of heavy study after I started my courses in October.

I usually don't have to look up more than 5 words during an hour class. I love the way Chinese uses a minimal amount of words, characters, and ideas to describe science! If only English was so easy.

Of course, everything I read has been written in the past 10 years. Traditional Chinese literary works would be another world to me.

william   November 4th, 2010 8:14p.m.


Byzanti   November 4th, 2010 9:19p.m.

Thomas: And you can get by with 2000 characters? How many words do you know? I'm impressed. There's no way at 2000 characters I would have been able to attend a Chinese for Chinese students class. Are these 2000 characters the result of rigorously studying the HSK lists or something?

Thomas   November 5th, 2010 5:45a.m.

@Byzanti I've studied words as they came into my life randomly over the past two years. I've skimmed a few HSK lists, adding only those words I haven't seen before. I've learned an incredible amount through intense immersion with my girlfriend. I have no idea how many words I know, don't bother inputting words I'm already familiar with. Lately I've been learning lots of plant species, minerals, and other biological and ecological words. If I ever get through those lists I guess I'd get up to 2,500 or so characters.

@william I had to translate your traditional characters, haven't bothered with those yet. I read anything I come across when I have the time: newspapers, modern stories, textbooks, and PowerPoint presentations : P I don't try to understand every character, just look up those I see in multiple places. This strategy has saved me lots of time not spent learning rare characters and improved my overall comprehension abilities.

jww1066   November 8th, 2010 5:10p.m.

Now I'm down to only 35 items due. I think I peaked at over 4,000 due at one point so this feels like a major victory.

Now maybe it's time for a new Twitter competition?


JimAndress   November 11th, 2010 11:26p.m.

Got to 1,000 Chinese Words today! Pretty happy about it!

jcdoss   November 23rd, 2010 12:20p.m.

With all the chatter lately about badges, etc, I'd hoped some of you would be tooting your own horns in this thread more than you have! :-)

Congrats to everyone who's posted thusfar.

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