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Chinese reading app tips

Mandarinboy   October 30th, 2010 8:36p.m.

Hi, To practice reading I try to read what ever Chinese text I can get. There are several good ways to get direct translation of the characters from that on line but also some nice Iphone/Touch/Ipad apps for reading and translation as well. One that i am using right now is: http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewSoftware?id=380066155&mt=8?partnerId=30&siteID=KEmRFwU0WKY-LVwlHnb8VS8jFIzwBzZ.EA

They (NCIKU, the same company as the famous on line dictionary) have several such free apps with interactive text so you can look up words or characters directly in the app. Suits med very nice since there is no Internet coverage on planes e.g.

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