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Another Vote for a Custom List of BoPoMoFo (Zhuyin)

Senmu   October 20th, 2010 8:59a.m.

I've searched the forums and vocab list. No list of the 37 characters in Zhuyin was found.

Here in Taiwan, a lot of reading materials becomes easily accessible when we can read Bopomofo. I really need to practice this more. I've been Skrittering for over a year now and would like to see Zhuyin in a custom list, just to practice writing and reading it. All I can do is go to Anki for practice on the Zhuyin characters.

Here's my vote, Nick, add on a Zhuyin list! Anyonelse want to add their vote?

jww1066   October 20th, 2010 9:14a.m.
Foo Choo Choon   October 20th, 2010 9:35a.m.



skritterjohan   October 20th, 2010 10:16a.m.

I already added my vote before (a few times).

I would recommend using Anki in the meantime. I found I have to add only 1-2 per day and keep rating them "fail" in the beginning or I will forget them though.

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