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just a thought

Aaron Dolman   September 14th, 2010 3:54p.m.

you know when practising etc, it automatically knows when you have finished writing each character. but for example when i sometimes guess which character it is, it is a give away for me when it doesn't automatically finishes.

eg 采 and 彩 if i'm not sure which cai it is then i do the first part and because it doesn't automatically finish then i know its not right even though i thought it was.

is there or would it be possible to have an option somewhere where when you write each character that one can decide to say they have finished rather than have it automatically complete. (this might already be there)

I understand this wouldn't work for many as it would slow them down a lot, but i was really just wondering if anyone else has the same thing where they know it can't be right yet.

jww1066   September 14th, 2010 4:19p.m.

I mark it wrong in this case. Same for the cases where I thought it was something different but Skritter gave me enough hints to realize what it was.

west316   September 14th, 2010 4:45p.m.

I am like jww1066 on this one. Usually you have a mental image in your head before you are really writing. If they don't match up in the end, I just mark them wrong.

wispfrog   September 14th, 2010 7:04p.m.

Yeah, I think there's real benefit in being really strict with yourself. I do that for meanings as well - if I can't remember all the different flavours, I mark it wrong.

贺知宝   September 14th, 2010 9:20p.m.

Agreed. If you're not confident with a character mark it wrong

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