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cramming own vocab list

Aaron Dolman   September 10th, 2010 7:19p.m.

i have started to cram my own vocab list, and have noticed that the words i added come up but also it seperates all the characters out and asks you them indivudually for example if i have the word 西方人 in my own vocab list it will ask me that word but will also split it up and ask me 西 方 人

i was wondering if there is anyway to get my own vocab list just to ask me the words I added and not to split them up like that?


west316   September 10th, 2010 7:49p.m.

Did the "also add characters when adding words" dialogue in your personal settings get turned on somehow? Basically, for every word you add, it breaks down the word into its individual parts as well. It is under your personal language settings if you want to turn it off.

At least that is what it sounds like to me. Hope that helps.

Aaron Dolman   September 10th, 2010 8:12p.m.

i just checked the settings and the "also add characters when adding words" box was unchecked so maybe it is something else.

thanks for trying though - maybe there is something else somewhere. Its not the end of the world but its just i am cramming the list because that is my new vocab for a specific class and then it breaks them down and so i'm not actually cramming all the words i added if you see what I mean.

nick   September 11th, 2010 10:50a.m.

Not sure why those characters were added on their own--perhaps as part of another list, and then they got activated from this list, too. You can safely delete those characters from the word popup on the practice page if you don't want to see them individually--then you'll get them just in the words, and it won't affect your stats or anything.

skritterjohan   September 14th, 2010 9:26a.m.

Has anybody noticed that when pasting words in the cram box some words just hang with Processing... ?

If I X them out and add them again they hang again.

It happened with this word today:
矢 shi3 arrow (Kangxi radical 111)

I think I have seen this behavior before and usually I will refresh the page and try again and somehow will sort itself out. A refresh did not help today. I tried pasting the words again and then past them twice and it went from bad to worse with a bunch of words hanging with Processing..

I refreshed the whole page again, pasted the words again (it's only 8 or 9 or so) and 矢 shi3 arrow hung with Processing again.

I have not waited a very long time maybe it will sort itself out after a few minutes but it is kind of annoying.

skritterjohan   September 14th, 2010 9:30a.m.

By the way I just clicked cram without shi3 arrow having resolved and I got a 500 server error. Then I went back to the practice page and the 8 or 9 words I had exported and put under cram earlier were gone (replaced by what I had previously crammed). I thought okay let's go back to export and re-export what I want and then I got another 500 server error.

If this is Google App throwing a fit I would advise to really get it sorted or switch to something more under your control.

jww1066   September 14th, 2010 9:35a.m.

@skritterjohan Yes this is a regular occurrence when I create lists. In 100 words I will typically have 2 or 3 hangs.

nick   September 16th, 2010 1:12p.m.

I think I've fixed this (here and in a bunch of other places): AJAX requests should be smarter about retrying when there are uncontrolled timeouts and App Engine errors. It may take a while for individual words to resolve when creating a list, but they'll either eventually go through (unless your connection totally died).

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