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this would be cool...

Bohan   September 9th, 2010 11:32p.m.

It would be super cool if there were a feature on Skritter that keeps count of the number of Chinese characters users have learnt. Of course, the feature wouldn't have to be 100% perfect

Mandarinboy   September 9th, 2010 11:44p.m.

That you already. Check out the progress page where you will have info about words / characters etc. There you will find all sorts of valuable stats about your progress. Very nice i would say.

george   September 9th, 2010 11:49p.m.

Hey Bohan, are you talking about total stats as in site-wide, or just individual learning stats? If you want individual stats, Mandarinboy's right on: the progress page is the place to go, but if you are looking for site-wide, we might be able to pull something together. Right now we generate the stat for every newsletter, but it doesn't exist elsewhere. I kinda like the idea of a counter showing how many characters/tones/etc have been studied.

Bohan   September 10th, 2010 12:16a.m.

Thanks George and Mandarinboy ! I didn't know there's a progress section ~

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