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2000 review limit

tonkfodder   August 30th, 2010 12:28a.m.

Noticed over the last few weeks when I havent had much chance to skritter the items due has hit a limit at 2000 items. I know previously when I have been away for a few weeks it would go way past this. Its a little annoying as you work a while knock off a few hundred and it resets every time to 2000 so no way to know what is the real value? Is this a new feature I have missed, i.e. setting a limit? or is it possible there is a problem with the account?

Doug   August 30th, 2010 3:52a.m.

It should be (I think) a maximum of 1000 per item type (that is, 1000 writing, tones, readings and definitions); I've been well over 2000 due (unfortunately). I think this is a limit in Google App Engine (a maximum number of returned rows in a query) but Nick can say for sure.

nick   August 30th, 2010 7:41a.m.

It's 1000 per part-style combo, where styles are simp, trad, or either, and parts are writings, tones, etc. So you have one part times two styles. In theory we actually could increase this now (before we couldn't), but I'm trying to count even 1001 of them and it's just not happening.

Sorry, no one knows how many reviews there are! By the way, you don't have to respond, but we're all curious here at Skritter HQ about how you can study so long in a single day.

tonkfodder   August 30th, 2010 5:33p.m.

Hi thanks for the response. Is this new as I thought after last November cramming for HSK I was over 2000 items in writing only? But might be mistaken.

To answer your questions on average I don't study that long but have been inconsistent. I study like crazy for maybe 2 weeks lie when I was cramming for HSK then have long periods where I don't do any. Then when I get back into it I find I I have a long queue which can take a few days to get back to normal.

nick   August 31st, 2010 7:26a.m.

Ah, the pressure of the test! That makes sense.

We have changed a few things with the counting since then. If you say it counted past 2000, it must have--I do not remember! But at this point, I don't think it will work well to count higher, unfortunately.

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