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cloze deletion practice

jww1066   August 27th, 2010 9:59a.m.

The new sample sentences feature is amazingly helpful. It has me wanting to reinforce those sentences by practicing them in Anki. Would it be possible to include the sample sentences in the export, together with their pinyin and English translations?

It would also be useful to hide the English definition for items with sample sentences, so we have to use the sample sentence as the prompt. I'm not sure if everyone would like this, though I think it would be good for them... ;)


nick   August 27th, 2010 11:28a.m.

Hmm, I'd prefer not to export the sample sentences--that's a fair bit of work for just this use case. It is currently the same base set as was posted for Mnemosyne, though, coming originally from Dict.cn. So with some kerjiggering you could get them in there.

I will think about the second one, but as you say, that wouldn't be for everyone, so there would have to be a neat way of doing it.

shinyspoons   August 27th, 2010 3:05p.m.

There are already in anki, they were in the shared decks last time i checked.

jww1066   August 27th, 2010 3:25p.m.

@nick and @shinyspoons Really? I thought the pinyin for those sentences was highly questionable, and their license status unclear:


That deck also doesn't have cloze deletions and doesn't take into account what I'm currently studying on Skritter. I suppose I can write some kind of program to deal with it, grumble grumble...

nick   August 27th, 2010 5:21p.m.

We tried to ask Dict.cn about them, but they don't respond. We'll take them down if they mind. Have you noticed any problems with the pinyin on Skritter? Maksym did do some work fixing some crazy ones.

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