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Study tips section

Mandarinboy   August 15th, 2010 7:30a.m.

In various forum posts there are several very good tips how to study more efficiently, tips on external tools and sources etc, etc. Can't we have resource / study tips sections in the forum? I would like to have categories in the forum for various topics, such as resources, study tips, language questions etc. By searching around in the forum i have found several very good tips that have speeded up my daily skrittering but it is hard to find them all as it is now. Same with sticky posts, that would also be nice to have. There are several very good posts that really deserves to be sticky. I think that many people out there have very good tips how they use their skritter time, organize the words, adds sentences, practice with podcasts or Skype friends etc. For you that uses Chinesepod you have probably seen the groups that can be created there. That is for me at least highly useful. We are all in the same boat and can need some help from each other.

Byzanti   August 15th, 2010 6:39p.m.

This is probably a good idea... Some kind of wiki?

Mandarinboy   August 15th, 2010 7:08p.m.

A wiki would be nice. There are some sections about skritter that would be perfect there and general language related topics such as stroke order rules, radicals, word order etc can be linked to the real Wikipedia or other sources. It would be nice to be able to host e.g sections with texts based on language level, links to different useful tools and sites, study techniques etc. I have a lot of such stuff and it would be great to be able to share it. I use e.g 喜羊羊 http://comic.ku6.com/c2010/xiyangyang/ a lot since the shows are subtitled and the language fairly simple, and it is fun to watch with my daughters :-) Think that site is only available in China though. By the way, 喜羊羊 is ridiculously popular in China now. Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse do not stand a chance there.

icecream   August 15th, 2010 7:37p.m.
ジェレミー (Jeremy)   August 15th, 2010 10:22p.m.

how would we have known that easily since the post wasn't stickied?


葛修远   August 15th, 2010 10:50p.m.

I think an official section of the site would be good for this, rather than a forum section or wiki. Like maybe when a good tip comes up in the forum, the team could include it on the a tips page?

At the moment I quite like the forum not being sorted into sections - there's not a huge volume of posts, and it's easy to have a look at all the new posts at once with it like this.

nick   August 16th, 2010 7:31a.m.

No real good wiki software runs on App Engine and I'd like to keep it on the site if possible. I did write a simple and useful Google Wave -> HTML publishing robot which is in use for the Chinese schools directory--just before they announced that they're not going to develop Wave any more. Otherwise we could have used that.

For the forum: what if we just had tags for forum posts, same way as we tag vocab lists? Then you could tag any posts you wanted and "sticky" could just be a "click on this tag to see the keepers". Then, also, y'all could help us do the work of organizing things.

Maksym and I have been watching 喜羊羊 and it's excellent.

sarac   August 16th, 2010 8:30a.m.

喜羊羊 and 大头儿子 are regulars at our house.

葛修远   August 17th, 2010 8:01a.m.

喜羊羊,美羊羊! :-D

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