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Tone prompts immediately going next

nick   August 5th, 2010 2:51p.m.

It's been on my list for a long time to try this out. Basically, when you type or click a tone (not write one) and it's correct, it will automatically go to the next prompt for you after a split second.

I've been practicing with it for a little bit and after a little bit of getting used to, it seems a bit faster--but I can't tell whether it's good. So I've turned it on for everyone as a test. Let me know what you think: better this way, or before?

  August 5th, 2010 3:00p.m.

Seems a bit broken, despite not having activated the feature it jumps me to the next prompt. And: it does so randomly, it's like every two or three times.

JimAndress   August 5th, 2010 3:13p.m.

I usually write the tones, but I tried click them just to check it out. As soon as you click, it jumps immediately to the next prompt. By the time you hear the pronunciation, you're already looking at a different character. This is a little disorienting, and I think that it should at least wait until you're done hearing the pronunciation.

nick   August 5th, 2010 3:37p.m.

Thanks guys. 凯: it's not a feature to activate or not; I've turned it on for everyone so I can get feedback on whether it's good. It should only do it when you get the tone right--can you confirm that there's a bug with that?

Jim: that's a good point. I guess my envisioned use case here is for when you're going through tones really quickly, not stopping long enough to hear the pronunciation and reflect anyway. I am not sure how many people do this.

PlutonB   August 5th, 2010 3:53p.m.

I like it! Everything that makes studying faster and more efficient is welcome!

pts   August 5th, 2010 4:21p.m.

Please make it an option. Someone would love it. But it forced me to click the backward button every four to five words and actually slowed me down.

rgwatwormhill   August 5th, 2010 5:35p.m.

I like the concept - it's great not to have to click next - but could it be just a little bit slower?
Even if it has to be fast, I still like it.

jcdoss   August 5th, 2010 6:50p.m.

Sorry, but I hate it. It should definitely be an option, though, for those who don't.

balsa   August 5th, 2010 7:20p.m.


Byzanti   August 5th, 2010 7:46p.m.

As long as it doesn't auto go when there's been a wrong tone, it's fine with me.

MK1977   August 5th, 2010 7:48p.m.

I like it but it's a little too fast for me as it is

sarac   August 5th, 2010 8:27p.m.

I like it... but I only got maybe a dozen chars done this way and then it went back to the old way. Not much exposure but I think it's good. I agree with byzanti - when the tone is wrong it should not advance.

Andreas   August 5th, 2010 9:55p.m.


穆安   August 5th, 2010 9:57p.m.

I prefer the old style...

mwcayard   August 5th, 2010 10:54p.m.

sorry, hate it. maybe something i could get used to, but for now, i prefer the original style

Lurks   August 5th, 2010 11:36p.m.

This is really really bad.

Lurks   August 5th, 2010 11:38p.m.

Actually it's sort of okay when it works but hitting back because you've skipped on and things have gone screwy with blank entries...

nick   August 5th, 2010 11:44p.m.

Okay, I'm turning it off. A few strong dislikes is too many. Thanks for all the feedback, guys.

Lurks   August 5th, 2010 11:47p.m.

Appreciate what you were trying. It is a touch laborious to click on the forward gadget on tones.

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