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Want to mark other sorts of practice as needed?

wispfrog   August 4th, 2010 6:22p.m.

As a new user of a couple of weeks, skritter is absolutely the dog's whatevers! I'm finding it great, and really nailing down the characters I only /thought/ I knew before.

But does anyone else miss the ability from one sort of practice for a word or character, to be able to mark another sort as needing early attention? Most often its wanting to mark meaning as dodgy from a tone question, but it can be other ways round too?

It would fit right into the details popup, which only has the ability to add/remove other sorts of practice at the moment.

I'm assuming there isn't any special place for feature requests, or list of already made sugestions anywhere?

nick   August 7th, 2010 9:04a.m.

The dog's whatevers! I like that. Thanks!

I've heard a few requests for this, and I think it could come in handy. Not sure whether the interface in that popup would get too confusing, though. I'll put it on the list to try out, but it's not going to be any time soon--sorry.

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