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Bug in counting characters learned

ntozubod   April 10th, 2010 11:08p.m.

When I go to the Viewer after paging through, I have 898 characters in my active set or whatever you call it.

How is it that my Characters Learned can be 1460?

This seems to be wrong.

I had accepted it before as a quirk but the recent change reminds me of this bogus score every time I now have learnt a new character.

scott   April 12th, 2010 12:19p.m.

When counting the things you have learned, there are primary and secondary things learned. For a quick example, say you're studying Japanese and the word 日本. When you study this word, the backend tracks your progress on the word 日本 and the character 日 and the character 本. The latter two don't show up in your viewer, because you don't study those two characters individually, you study them as part of the word 日本.

Also, if you delete a word or character, it won't show up in the viewer, but it will still be learned (if it has been learned), according to your progress.

ntozubod   April 12th, 2010 3:16p.m.

Hi Scott,

That seems consistent with my understanding. However, I deleted a lot of characters when I was doing experiments a couple of weeks ago to see if I could manage without the srittdef Chrome-extension.

I have now added back these characters to be learned and as they are learned the second time, they counted a second time. This seems like a really easy way to make my characters-learned count as high as I want.

Or am I missing something?

-- Howard

scott   April 13th, 2010 10:16a.m.

Deleting ites does not actually remove the data you have on them. So if you delete a character, the system just disables it for you. Adding it again just re-enables it. No item is ever removed from the system, unless you used the delete all button, in which case all progress data and useritems are deleted entirely. So if you delete one item and re-add it, nothing has actually changed.

ntozubod   April 13th, 2010 2:33p.m.

Hi Scott,

Thanks. I guess I have learned almost 1500 characters. I just don't remember which ones they are.

Thanks for implementing the feature this way. It is indeed the most sensible approach.

-- Howard

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