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No credit card?

雅各   March 27th, 2010 2:57p.m.

Just tried to hook up a friend to try out skritter, she has been learning chinese for a while and the site would really help. She doesn't have a credit card so she cant try it out.

joschua011   March 27th, 2010 4:30p.m.

isn´t it possible to sign up ( and buy time ) with one of this mastercard-prepaid cards? (i guess there also prepaid cards offered by visa, i dont know..)
would be interresting because i also dont have a credit card and as an 16 year old, i wont get one.

雅各   March 27th, 2010 8:40p.m.

Not sure if they have "prepaid" credit cards in Hong Kong, I could always brave going into a 7/11 and attempt to talk to someone who knows no english or mandarin. (:

nick   March 29th, 2010 10:55a.m.

That is currently a weakness of the system. How would she pay for it other than a card--does she use Paypal or Google Checkout? We can work something out manually using a Google Checkout invoice--send an email if she's interested.

Bigbrainblue   April 6th, 2010 1:58a.m.

I can't see the Paypal option!

nick   April 6th, 2010 7:48a.m.

Bigbrainblue, because we can't currently do recurring payments with Paypal or Google Checkout, we haven't set up a way to use those to do the initial signup. Once you sign up with a CC, you can use one. We may be changing it so that you don't need one to try it, but for now email me (nick at skritter) to set something up.

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