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Cool Calligraphy

AdmOxalate   March 23rd, 2010 10:36p.m.

Don't know if this link works for you

but this is a cool website to put your Skritter/mouse calligraphy to use....


Post links to your best work

ddapore99   March 24th, 2010 3:58a.m.

Your avatar seems so angry. Did you Photoshop it? I tried saving my Kanji in Chrome and Firefox but it didn't work. Are you using IE?

luden   March 24th, 2010 6:11a.m.

Really cool! Thanks for the link!

george   March 24th, 2010 10:17a.m.

That is pretty cool AdmOxalate, I just checked it out and wrote a few characters. They all end up looking like abstract wallpapers from DeviantArt! :)

AdmOxalate   March 25th, 2010 11:07a.m.

No photoshop, I was born to be a villain in a movie or TV show, if anyone is casting.

jww1066   March 25th, 2010 11:41a.m.

A friend of mine is Taiwanese-American and her parents are from the old country. By American standards she's quite attractive, but apparently Taiwanese standards are different and all her life her parents have told her bluntly that she's unattractive.

When she was a teenager she was in a mall and ran into some people who were scouting for models and actresses; they took some pictures of her and were interested in having her play a bit part in a movie. When she told her parents, the conversation went something like this:

Mother: You?!? An ACTRESS?!?
Father: Well, honey, maybe they need someone to play the villain.


murrayjames   March 25th, 2010 3:19p.m.

James and AdmOxalate, hahahaha! Thanks to you both for a good laugh this morning :-)

AdmOxalate   March 26th, 2010 1:36p.m.

With parents like those...

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