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Number of due items won't go down

Schnabelhund   March 18th, 2013 10:30p.m.

I was just about to go to bed when I saw that there were a few items due, so I skrittered down to zero and saved the reviews. When I went back to the study page, the number was still the same, and the due items are those I just reviewed. It's been at least ten minutes since I finished the reviews and nothing has changed. Has the progress been saved?

nick   March 18th, 2013 11:13p.m.

Hmm; ten minutes is about the length of the time that those to-do reviews might have been cached if something broke, so if you waited longer than that, it seems likely that something didn't work with the review saving. Have you seen this before? Was your connection solid when you went to save the reviews?

marleendemol   March 19th, 2013 6:39a.m.

this morning around the same time i had a similar problem, i was skittering for some time, i hit the save button and then i went to the home page so see how many were still due. when i continued to study i saw that my timing was set about 10 min back and i was getting the same reviews of the past 10 min. After that no more problems. Thought i just mention it.

Schnabelhund   March 19th, 2013 11:56a.m.

I didn't notice any problems with my connection. I haven't seen this before, at least not for longer than 10 minutes. I'll skritter and let you know if the problem is still there!

Schnabelhund   March 19th, 2013 12:04p.m.

It seems to be gone!

menglelan   March 24th, 2013 8:29p.m.

No matter how much I practice the vocabulary list I made last week, the number stubbornly stays at 7% studied...!!!!

nomadwolf   March 25th, 2013 1:49a.m.

The % studied won't change until you add words from the list....

menglelan   March 25th, 2013 6:33a.m.

I thought that was what I was already doing, adding words from the list. But the percent studied in that vocab list I made won't go down at all. Something is wrong.

nick   March 25th, 2013 11:29p.m.

Which list is it?

menglelan   March 25th, 2013 11:35p.m.

It's the list I made myself and it's titled 華語

nick   March 26th, 2013 12:20a.m.

I reset it in an attempt to make it more correct. Now it thinks you're only 6% done! Not sure what's going on there.

mwnl   March 26th, 2013 9:27a.m.

I've done that many times, deleting lists from study and adding them back again. After adding words manually you'll see the %completed of the list go up as the system is going through the list, looking for the next item to be added.

menglelan   March 28th, 2013 6:42a.m.

Nick, after you re set it I was able to go in there and get the list 36% done, now it's stalled again. Won't go up to my target 100%.

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