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Weird Fonts

JieWen   March 18th, 2010 6:35a.m.

Suddenly the fonts for the definition prompts in Skritter have become quite odd on my computer. As far as I know, I have made no changes to anything recently that would account for this. Normally the definition page fonts are similar to the fonts used in the writing prompts, but not now. I have seen this when I use Skritter on other computers but never before on my home PC. I have linked an image below to show what I am talking about:


I really don't like these font's and would love to figure out how to go back to what it was before. Has anyone else had this problem? Thanks a lot.

Rolands   March 18th, 2010 7:51a.m.

yes. I also was thinking same and tried to understand what I had done wrong on my PC since yesterday. I also do not like this font now.

nick   March 18th, 2010 8:03a.m.

I see the issue and have fixed it. Thanks for the great bug report.

By the way, if anyone else wants a nicer font for definition and reading practice, I've made one available here:

雅各   March 18th, 2010 5:54p.m.

It would be cool if you could make this font show up for the practice pages even if it is just the small writing which shows up with the word definitions. ie

font-family: KaiTi, normal boring one, etc...

jww1066   March 20th, 2010 7:01p.m.

@nick That's rad, thanks.


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