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Yolan   March 9th, 2010 8:35a.m.

Being convinced recently of the power of Heisig's Remembering the Kanji Method (after _years_ of failure trying to simply cram Kanji into my head) I've actually found it difficult to make use of Skritter.

Using Anki (an SRS for those who don't know it) I can include the 'story' of the Kanji I am studying. Unfortunately when trying to make RTK lists for Skritter I can only include words. This is a reason why I have stopped using Skritter entirely for the last few weeks.

Skritter devs, I love what you guys have done so far (hence I bought a years membership), but I am hoping you are working on expanding the versatility of the system.

Will the option to include test questions be included in a future version?

scott   March 9th, 2010 11:02a.m.

We're not planning on making custom flash cards at the moment, but we are going to be creating a shared mnemonic system. You'll be able to store a block of text with any word or character and see it whenever you're studying to help you remember it. And you could put the Heisig stories in there if you want. You'll also be able to share mnemonics with other users. How does that sound for helping you to use the Heisig method as part of your Skritter studies?

Yolan   March 10th, 2010 8:40a.m.

that sounds pretty good. would the text be visible before you have written the character?

scott   March 10th, 2010 8:54a.m.

Yes, I think so, though probably not immediately visible. It'll be below the current prompt area, so I would think that you'd only really read it if you look down at it, so you can decide if you want to read it. This is just my own idea of it though; we haven't ironed out the details so it could go either way.

Byzanti   March 10th, 2010 9:35a.m.

A point of view... If we saw text before it was requested or the character written, I might use it for an example chinese sentence with a blanks for the word. This would be decent. (Incidentally, here I would want the text on a word basis, not a character basis).

However, for people who want to use it to store mnemonics, I guess they would want it after the prompt, and not shown automatically. Before I had a use for this, but now I've rather got past that stage.

Either way, I would absolutely not want to see any extra text shown automatically that wasn't of my choosing (referring to user shared mnemonics etc).


scott   March 10th, 2010 10:48a.m.

Right, you'd only see your own, with something you can click to see other users' mnemonics.

Example sentences will be a built in feature eventually, but if they come after mnemonics you could use the mnemonics as a stop-gap measure.

ddapore99   March 11th, 2010 7:58a.m.

Is it okay to put the mnemonics from RTK in as notes and share it? It's copyrighted material isn't it?

scott   March 11th, 2010 9:59a.m.

Probably would be better not to share those. We'll have to consider how other systems handle that issue.

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