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Time not recorded today

Christian   February 18th, 2010 10:38p.m.

I noticed that the time I spent studying today was not recorded – I started studying three times, and all times I started at 0:00. (Obviously, that was correct only for the first time.) Looking at my progress now, the total time recorded for today is still 0:00.

Hopefully that bug can be fixed soon – I am trying hard to win myself my own hand-drawn avatar! :-)

nick   February 18th, 2010 11:03p.m.

Still trying to figure out this bug, which was uploaded a couple hours ago. It's recording time for tomorrow instead. I've moved your study time for today to today for you. If anyone else needs this, let me know.

nick   February 18th, 2010 11:22p.m.

It looks like anyone affected during the brief window will still be affected afterward, i.e. the time will go to tomorrow once tomorrow's time has been set. But yeah, for calculating streak things, I'll just ignore this day if anyone missed it, because I'll assume the time was counted tomorrow.

hannes   February 18th, 2010 11:34p.m.

Just to mention that I experienced the same bug. Hope this is confined to the code updating (which also happened when I was studying) and tomorrow everything is back to normal.

何婵络   February 19th, 2010 1:07a.m.

I also have this problem with this as well. My time didn't move to tomorrow though, it moved to yesterday. So instead of 10 min each there is 20 for yesterday.

Christian   February 19th, 2010 1:28a.m.

Hi Nick, thanks for the help. It seems the time is now correctly updated for today; after you shifted the time to today, it started to increase from there.

Maybe it was a timezone issue?

Hobbes828   February 19th, 2010 1:39a.m.

yes mine is all adding on to yesterday now (china here).. also my words weren't adding automatically, and when I went to manual add (granted maybe my first time ever doing it), after I hit the add button I saw some of the new words twice in a row which was pretty weird..

LuoKai   February 19th, 2010 1:43a.m.

Same here Hobbes828 (also China...)

LuoKai   February 19th, 2010 1:43a.m.

Words are automatically added though

mykal   February 19th, 2010 1:56a.m.

I noticed that I lost time for today, but it was only temporary. I had practiced for around 28 minutes, and then came back several hours later and found that my time had started over. However, I later refreshed the page and my time was back to normal.

I don't remember if there was a code update that fixed it or not.

noriko77   February 19th, 2010 2:32a.m.

I have the same problem here (Hungary), my time is added to yesterday's study time...

digilypse   February 19th, 2010 2:33a.m.

I'm having this problem too, and yes I'm in China. Apparently all of my time today is getting moved to yesterday. Every time I refresh the practice page it resets the time as well.

esther   February 19th, 2010 5:04a.m.

Here is the same problem. As soon as I leave the practice page the timer goes back to 0 and on the progress page it stays 0.

Foo Choo Choon   February 19th, 2010 6:28a.m.

I'm affected as well. Today's progress is added to yesterday's performance, apparently including both the time and the number of characters learned.

nick   February 19th, 2010 12:12p.m.

I found it. You'd think that with something requiring just six lines of code on my end, I wouldn't make more than one mistakes, but then you'd have to mark yourself wrong! In my defense, I am slightly sick.

I'm uploading the fix and the progress should go to the right day, now. For calculating chains for the contest, I'll assume success for these two days.

WanLi   February 19th, 2010 1:11p.m.

nick, same here for myself too, i also nuked my history by starting fresh once more, does that mean the previous days will not win me any raffle tickets?!

Foo Choo Choon   February 19th, 2010 1:39p.m.

By the way: I really like the fact that new character details are displayed on the practice page ("Added from 什么什么").

Please continue to add as much data as possible (e.g. date when the character was added, average/total time spent on writing the character, other learning statistics; similar to data on the Voc Viewer page). Benefits clearly outweigh possible drawbacks like the additional distraction.

I assume that, having been attracted by detailed learning statistics, the average Skritter user is generally fond of detailed data (others could get the option to switch it off).

nick   February 19th, 2010 2:23p.m.

Oh yeah, if you nuked your history, we have no way of knowing how much you practiced. I guess we could take your word for it. Send me an email just before the end of the month telling me how much you practiced to remind me to put you in the raffle.

穆, glad you like the added-from line. It was in the lookup menu, but ever since we redesigned the practice page a few months back, popular opinion decided it should be visible on the front--it just got lost in the to-dos.

I do disagree about putting as much data as possible in the prompt, though. We could put that data in the lookup menu. I just don't want too much distraction to happen in the prompt. Especially with some of this info, it'd give hints as to which character it was, and then we'd have to hide it until you were done writing, etc... Complicated!

murrayjames   February 19th, 2010 2:57p.m.

I was just going to say... that added-from line is a nice touch! I'm against cluttering the practice page with stats, though. Unlike 穆, I would find that distracting.

百发没中   February 20th, 2010 6:08a.m.

ou man, with me it also says I didn't practice yesterday...hope that won't reduce the amount of tickets I get for the competition^^

I also like the "added from" stat. I actually find it more interesting than the "studied xx hours/days ago" stat.

klutz14159   February 21st, 2010 1:46p.m.

I also really appreciate the "Added from" text on the main practice screen. It gives me instant feedback on how badly I'm forgetting stuff from long ago. Also, I experimented with some other textbook lists before settling on just HSK and have had to do a lot of extra clicking to get rid of words that seemed too easy and ended up not being from HSK.

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