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definition study on the IOS app

Bohan   November 24th, 2012 7:42a.m.

For definitions on the app, there is a check mark that apparently can be tapped to grade items. The problem with it is that it's easy to mistap on it while trying to edit definitions and mnemonics.

I'm actually not even sure what that is for and what it does

nick   November 24th, 2012 1:18p.m.

Hmm--I don't know if I understand this. For definition prompts, the only check marks are the grading buttons at the bottom of the screen. The only way to edit definitions and mnemonics is from touching the pencils in the tapdown menu at the top of the screen. Not so easy to accidentally mistap there--so I'm wondering if this is what you meant, or if you are talking about some other check mark? Can you describe it in more detail?

Bohan   November 26th, 2012 7:41a.m.

ok, actually, I meant while doing writing. The check mark is just below and between the pinyin and the characters

nick   November 26th, 2012 1:41p.m.

Oh. That is for editing the word-level grading independent of the character-level grading. I think you must mean for tone prompts, then, because for the writing prompts, the hit area is on the left, whereas the edit pencils are on the right. And it would be hard to mistap while trying to edit the mnemonic--it would only be the definition edit pencil which would be close to the hit area of the word-level grading during tone prompts.

Am I making sense? I can look at this hit area issue; just want to make sure we're talking about the same thing.

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