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add characters by “writing”

BaHeKun   November 22nd, 2012 7:08a.m.

Isn’t it possible to add characters by “writing” them on the tablet?
It would be a nice search tool for unknown characters and easier for translations.
Skitter is running so why start another library search or “search by radical”?
All the hard- and software tools are already there.

DependableSkeleton   November 22nd, 2012 10:07a.m.

What do you mean that the tools are already there? Skritter decides on a character to test and knows in advance what strokes to expect from you. You're asking for a system that takes a user's poorly-written sequence of strokes and determines which character you meant. These seem like two very different situations.

In any case, modern operating systems have Chinese character recognition built in. ;)

Laspimon   November 22nd, 2012 10:21a.m.

Are you insinuating that Windows is not modern, or has Microsoft actually gotten around to implementing that?
And yes, Skritter does not do character recognition. It matches your input to a preloaded character and decides whether your input it passable.

DependableSkeleton   November 22nd, 2012 10:43a.m.

Laspimon, that is exactly what I was implying. But it's okay, I used an emoticon to show I was joking. ;)

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