Looks like the Great Firewall or something like it is preventing you from completely loading www.skritter.com because it is hosted on Google App Engine, which is periodically blocked. Try instead our mirror:


This might also be caused by an internet filter, such as SafeEyes. If you have such a filter installed, try adding appspot.com to the list of allowed domains.

Ipad WTF

YueMeigui   November 15th, 2012 5:06a.m.

Yesterday I put in a little over an hour of skritter time on my ipad. I synced before I left home and I used 3g to sync once while I was out. My words due was down to just under 1000 when I stopped skrittering and left the beach.

I didn't sync then.

Slightly over an hour later my 3g was running when I opened Skritter and I got a message "performing initial sync, this may take a few minutes" and it proceeded to download all my data (no idea where the data had gone) from scratch.

I could understand losing the last half hour of Skritter data (though not how since my ipad was in my bag being unused) but not being bounced back from just under 1000 items due to just under 3000 items due in a 40 minute period.

And when I check "my words" on the web version, it shows that the last time I studied (this is now about 24 hours after the problem showed up and about 27 hours since my last sync) was 42 hours ago.

Basically, I lost all the study data from two nights ago, yesterday morning, and yesterday afternoon even though my sync log shows multiple syncs as having been successful.

What's going on here?

nick   November 15th, 2012 11:26a.m.

Two days ago, we tweaked the system that identifies whether or not iOS needs to re-download your account data when/if you use the 'delete all' page on the website. There was a bug that caused it to falsely trigger, though, and thought it hadn't yet done so for when you last reset your account, causing it to do a full refresh of the data on your device. We fixed the bug shortly afterward, but not in time to stop it from hitting your iPad.

The reset should have left you with the same data that you had when you last synced with the server, which would have been very unpleasant for you because you'd have lost the Skritter reviews put in since the last 3G sync on the beach. But somehow, it lost even more unsynced reviews, going back several syncs before then, which is a disaster! I'm not sure how this could have happened. Can you use "Report Sync Problem" in the "Sync Status" menu on your iPad to send us the sync logs? We'll try to figure out what's going on.

I am so sorry about this. Because you lost so much study time, I've extended your subscription by two months. I know this doesn't really make up for this setback. Please let me know if there's anything else I can do for you.

YueMeigui   November 15th, 2012 11:31a.m.

The really annoying thing is that nearly all that study time was spent on grinding down my overdue reviews for items I mostly already know and determining which ones I really know and which ones I don't.

Other than that, it's working very smooth on the ipad. So smooth in fact that I'm getting some of the same "video game" Chinese learning effect that I was getting when I first started using it on Android a little under two years ago.


🌹iPad   November 15th, 2012 7:51p.m.

Should I stay off skritter until you've had a chance to look at the logs?

nick   November 15th, 2012 11:15p.m.

It should be okay now. Just make sure that if you do a bit of Skritter and sync it, that the reviews are saved to the site.

podster   November 16th, 2012 6:33a.m.

I am looking to buy an iPad Mini soon. I remember that there was a bug with people using multiple iOS devices. If I use both iPhone 4 and iPad Mini for Skritter will I encounter this bug? If so, will it be fixed in the November 25 release?

nick   November 16th, 2012 10:25a.m.

malaili, that should work.

podster, we've fixed those bugs as far as we can tell, so everything should work fine with multiple iOS devices.

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