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Pause words add

Tortue   February 8th, 2010 5:23a.m.

Hello all,

Since december I have now less free time to use Skritter, max 30 mins per day (hopefully I'm starting chinese school next month).

Right now I'm having +-950 words to review, I try to study +-40/50 chars a day but as Skritter is continuously adding words to review, I keep staying at +-950.

Is there a way to totally pause adding character until I (finally) reach zero ?

PS: I don't want to push items back, I did it quite a few time and it's counter-productive IMO.

Thx in advance !

Cheryl   February 8th, 2010 8:03a.m.

Have you changed your account settings? Under account and language settings you can change the frequency at which words are added. The lowest frequency is rarely.

Hope that helps.

Christian   February 8th, 2010 8:27a.m.

When I want to just review, I just go and pause all my active lists in the practice settings. Might be a bit cumbersome if you have many lists you study from, but for me that works quite well.

nick   February 8th, 2010 8:54a.m.

To stop adding new words, you can set "Add new words" to "Manually" in the practice page active lists menu. Then it won't add. More convenient than pausing all your lists.

But I think perhaps you mean to stop accumulating words to review? That can't be done, I'm afraid. The items are going to become due whether you or we want them to. If you're behind and can't catch up, you could try lowering your target retention rate in the account settings--that'll make things be scheduled for review less frequently. But it'll only apply to items that you review after you change the setting.

Probably the best thing to do is to try to study a bunch more for a couple of these days to get the review queue down. If everything you study is that much overdue, you're probably getting a ton of things wrong, which means they come back sooner. If you did a big push to clear it, you'd get more stuff right and the reviews would take less time and not build up as fast.


Tortue   February 9th, 2010 4:04a.m.

Yes, actually I meant to pause the words review accumulation.

Thx for your tips guys, I guess I have to book my next sat afternoon only for Skritter :)

mykal   February 10th, 2010 4:22a.m.

I find myself in the same boat in terms of character accumulation, though my review list is usually around 450-600 every day. I'm only able to get the queue down to zero every one to two weeks. But then, of course, I go to bed feeling very pleased with myself for getting caught up, and when I wake up, I see that I have another 600 characters to review. :)

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