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Adding words when studying single list?

Laspimon   November 14th, 2012 11:57a.m.

In the next version on iOS, will it be possible to add words while studying a single list?
I have tried using the desktop a couple of times, but it seems to me that the Study Single Lists is strictly for reviewing. Perhaps I am overlooking something, since I am not all that familiar with the layout.

I think it defeats the purpose of studying from a single list, if you are not able to add all the characters from a section (say, for a test).

nick   November 15th, 2012 10:59a.m.

In the iOS app, we're calling this mode "Advanced Study". You get to choose whether you want to study all lists, one list, or any subset of multiple lists (for example, you could do just HSK 1, 2, 3, and 4). You also get to choose how much emphasis you want on your starred words--when put to 100%, you see almost all starred words, if you have enough. In Chinese, you can change your style setting for that session, doing traditional, simplified, both, add simplified and review traditional, or add traditional and review simplified. And you can do the same thing for parts: writings only, definitions and readings, etc. You can combine choices for all four: lists, stars, style, and parts.

If, however, you temporarily deselect any parts, then it goes into review-only mode, because if you were to add words while having a part deselected, you would sort of miss some of those parts when you returned to normal study. They wouldn't have been added, but depending on whether you were still in the same section or not, the system would or wouldn't be able to figure that out and add the missing parts.

The temporary parts study mode on the web works the same way as the iOS advanced study parts selection. Starred word study on the web is a separate thing, the web has no temporary style selection, and on the web, you can only study a single list, not a subset of multiple lists.

In both versions, you can add words while studying a single list.

Laspimon   November 15th, 2012 10:29p.m.

Awsome. Thanks.

CLS4690   February 4th, 2013 2:16a.m.

I'm a bit confused. Here is my scenario:

I'm studying 2 or three lists (one of them is a small list and two of them are sections from a larger list).

I just started taking a chinese course and so I have another big list with sections for that class. I need to primarily study the sections from this list, and I'm getting behind because I don't know how to study just a specific list on my iPhone.

Can I select just "section 11" from this big list in the Advanced Study mode, study it fully (or at least until all the words are added) and then switch back into the regular study mode and keep going where I left off, studying EVERYTHING together again?

Or does the Advanced study progress not remain when going back to the regular study mode?

Kryby   February 4th, 2013 2:21p.m.

The Advanced Study progress counts, CLS4690. Your plan sounds good. I often do something similar: when I get a high review count, I study my 'most frequent characters list' and the HSK lists as they're most important to me. I'm not so bothered if I forget obscure vocabulary.

nick   February 4th, 2013 2:25p.m.

The iOS app doesn't support single-section study, so you won't be able to do just Section 11 of the big list unless you copy that section out to its own small list and do Advanced Study on that. There's a current argument about support for single-section study here: http://www.skritter.com/forum/topic?id=239473031

Other than that, though, it works as you would hope: Advanced Study progress is saved and works well with regular study. If you wanted to do the big list by itself, or one of the small lists, or any combination, you could study just those lists, get the new words added, and then switch back to studying everything.

CLS4690   February 4th, 2013 2:29p.m.

I tried the advanced study feature and it was adding words like crazy from that section 11 of my new list, so I had to give up and go back to regular study. (I do have the latest version of Skritter according to the App Store)

I temporarily stopped adding from any other list though, so at least the added words, progress, and study time carried over from the advanced study area.

It looks like Skritter handles "sections" in chronological order, since when I selected the big list, it only added words from section 11. It would be fine if it eventually picked from section 12 since I'm behind on that list too ;)

nick   February 4th, 2013 3:00p.m.

Yeah, if you do Advanced Study with auto adding on for a single section, it's going to start adding a lot so you have enough to study from that section--otherwise you wouldn't have any reviews due.

When all the words are added from Section 11, it'll automatically move on to Section 12. Just gotta keep studying and hopefully get ahead of the class, since Skritter works best when you have at least a few days to learn the new words before you're expected to know them.

It can seem like a lot of study time at first, but that's because most teachers are introducing new words at a pace that's hard to sustain if you're also taking the time to keep from forgetting the old words. (This is why after a couple semesters, students only remember 39% of the characters they're supposed to know, on average.)

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