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Simplfied/Traditional add order

Zach   January 26th, 2010 3:22p.m.

My main focus is on traditional characters, and on a lark I threw simplified into the mix. For the most part this is okay since they differ in predictable ways. But the problem that I have is that oftentimes the simplified characters get added and the traditional don't.

Since there are both, either/or, and either/or with previously added, would it be possible to have, for example, an option that was "primarily" one or the other, and added the secondary after the character/word was learned? Or, alternatively, writing (and tone) are in either S or T, but definition practice is in both?

dert   January 26th, 2010 9:37p.m.

I would also find this to be very useful: an emphasis, especially, on traditional First. I'm living in the PRC, but I want to learn the trads so I can eventually read the much older stuff in its original form. Also, I find it much easier to remember the meaning of the hanzi if I learn the trad first, and then for simp just remember what I'm replacing with the fewer strokes.

One related thing I have noticed is that sometimes the definition comes up predominantly in either simp or trad, and practice seeing and recognizing both equally would be better.

Thanks to the Skritter team for making it so easy to learn both!

nick   January 26th, 2010 9:37p.m.

Is it that they don't get added, or that they don't come up right away? Or perhaps the traditional was previously added but the simplified wasn't?

For definition practice, there is only one item to study (as long as the simp/trad definitions are the same). Hmm, I'd thought it was choosing simplified or traditional at random for which one to show, but looking at the logic I'm not so sure--maybe it's only choosing simplified if you're studying both. Does that jive with your experience?

Zach   January 26th, 2010 10:57p.m.

Hm, what I wrote was actually pretty unclear, sorry about that.

Dert's assessment is pretty close to what I was thinking, though. Currently, some quantity of characters gets added, split roughly evenly between S/T - what would be ideal in my case would be that all 10 get added in traditional form, and it occasionally pulls from the learned characters with simplified. That way, there's an emphasis on the traditional form, but simplified isn't completely left out.

The definition thing was what worked out in my head as something that would probably be easier to implement (by which I mean, easier to implement in the version of Skritter that exists solely in my head) - writing and definition practice are traditional only, but definition practice is independent and can be set to 'both.' Writing both is somewhat redundant given that about 9/10ths of simplified characters are just radical transformations.

Tortue   January 27th, 2010 6:40a.m.

@Dert : Learning traditional won't only allow you to read old stuff but also tons of stuff new (and interesting) stuff that are edited in HK and TW (Forbidden books, Manga, Comics, Newspapers..etc)

nick   January 28th, 2010 8:58a.m.

Sorry Zach and Dert, I don't think that's something in high-enough demand for us to work on for a while.

The bug with one style being emphasized on definition practice, I'll look into.

DrGrace   January 28th, 2010 5:47p.m.

I agree that this is important for those of us trying to learn both. IMO, it would really be great if we could have the option of learning both the simplified and traditional characters in pairs (as Dert say, trad first), rather than randomly added to the list.

DrGrace   January 29th, 2010 9:30p.m.

I don't know if you've changed the code, but it seems better now. The simplified and traditional characters have been closer together in sequence. Still, it seems that the traditional characters are usually introduced after the simplified ones.

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