Looks like the Great Firewall or something like it is preventing you from completely loading www.skritter.com because it is hosted on Google App Engine, which is periodically blocked. Try instead our mirror:


This might also be caused by an internet filter, such as SafeEyes. If you have such a filter installed, try adding appspot.com to the list of allowed domains.

Kindle Fire & Toshiba Thrive Androids

williambuell   November 24th, 2011 9:56p.m.

My wife received both a Kindle and a Tablet and Skritter works fine.

I installed the free version of
Hanji Recognizer on both devices
It is not very accurate BUT
it is handy to practice strokes with
my finger rather than a mouse on
the desktop AND it is better than practicing on paper and using up a lot of paper.

I use http://www.nciku.com/ on the desktop to stroke characters for lookup and it is far more accurate (forgiving) than the Android app.

I will most likely be unsubscribing from Skritter at the end of the month because I am retired on a fixed income and even $5 a month is difficult much less $10. But I can always reactivate once or twice a year when I feel like I have gained more confidence.

I have all the Rosetta Stone vocabulary in Google Doc spreadsheets in order of frequency so I can use that together with free Android app to practice.

I considered the Android App from nciku.com but I read that it takes something like 3 gig which is a lot to take up on my wife's tablet.

Thanks for your help and suggestions in the past!

Tae from nciku   November 30th, 2011 10:09p.m.

The nciku Android app is about 100MB.
I'll make sure our app description is up-to-date.
Thanks for the heads up.

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