Looks like the Great Firewall or something like it is preventing you from completely loading www.skritter.com because it is hosted on Google App Engine, which is periodically blocked. Try instead our mirror:


This might also be caused by an internet filter, such as SafeEyes. If you have such a filter installed, try adding appspot.com to the list of allowed domains.

Lost repetitions?

shenqi   November 15th, 2010 2:32p.m.

Every 30 or 40 repetitions, a word will come up twice within a few minutes, the system apparently having forgotten the first time.

For instance, 5 minutes ago 逼供 came up. I got the tone and characters correct and moved on. After a few more repetitions, it came up again, the timestamp inaccurately reading: "studied 28 hours ago".

This has probably happened 10-20 times this week, and I haven't seen it before. It's not a big problem, but a little disconcerting that some of my work might get lost. FWIW I'm using Chrome.

itaju   November 15th, 2010 3:30p.m.

this happens to me alot. even the same character coming twice in the same row...

jww1066   November 15th, 2010 4:35p.m.

Check your error console (Tools->JavaScript Console in Chrome, Tools->Error Console in Firefox, I don't know in Internet Explorer). You might be running into the dreaded "500, Server Error"


贺知宝   November 15th, 2010 5:22p.m.

yeah, happens to me too. what's up with that

cmccorvey   November 15th, 2010 5:36p.m.

I get "500, Server Error" a few times per day when navigating the site. Perhaps it is also happening as service calls are being made from the practice page? I haven't noticed the loss of repetitions as described above but perhaps I haven't been observant as others.

mcfarljw   November 15th, 2010 6:08p.m.

I have noticed this recently as well. Study a work and get it correct, but it pops up in about 5 minutes seemingly haven forgotten I just got it right. Not a big deal, as I can use all the practice I can get, though hope it's not effecting anything else.

nick   November 15th, 2010 7:18p.m.

Had some more server grumblings today. When the server returns too many errors for too long in a stretch, some of your reviews may be not be saved by the time the Skritter Flash client decides to evict those words, and then they can be loaded again without your last review saved. Too bad when it happens. I still need to create a lag indicator so you can see when this is happening while you're practicing.

FatDragon   November 16th, 2010 3:51a.m.

I'm always tickled when I see the words come back up, but the system remembers that I just studied it, i.e. "last studied 15 seconds ago (not due) 0%" I always answer them as normal, though - it's not like it takes much time, and it's good practice for the muscle memory.

jww1066   November 16th, 2010 9:43a.m.

The only situation which is a real problem is when an item comes up after being due a while (e.g. last studied a month ago, 110% overdue), I get it wrong, then it comes up again and STILL says the same thing (1 month, 110% overdue). If I don't notice, I will get it right (because it just came up a second ago) and Skritter will send it far into the future, while it should be scheduled for "soon". In this case I try to notice and mark it wrong manually, but this requires me to look at the last studied and overdue numbers and is not reliable.


shenqi   November 16th, 2010 9:46a.m.

Yes a status/lag indicator would be very helpful to let us know when the AJAX goodness is happening. Perhaps it could simply indicate the number of reviews waiting to be submitted-- I know I'm sometimes scared to close my Skritter tab because it might not have submitted everything yet.

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