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Personal Character / Word Definitions

Chris D.   March 26th, 2010 1:38p.m.

Not sure how technically feasible it would be given your current system but I'll run this idea past you guys anyway. I've been studying "Remembering the Simplified Hanzi 1" (Heisig, Richardson) and a big part of learning the characters using their method is to remember a very specific keyword associated with that character. Now this keyword may only capture one meaning or aspect the character may have (and sometimes, though rarely it seems to not have much relation at all). However this keyword is really essential to their learning method. Would it be possible to allow users to attach their own definitions to words or characters that get displayed below the standard Skritter definitions?

I understand this may not be a trivial task but it may be worthwhile to take a poll or something to see how many people would find such a feature useful for their own studies.

ntozubod   March 26th, 2010 1:47p.m.

I would like this. There was a Chrome plugin that provided this feature but it is now broken with the latest updates to the site. I am casting around for alternatives. I had been very happy with a Heisig prompt before yesterday. Now I have to use the Skritter definitions and find it quite frustrating.

barton   March 26th, 2010 2:12p.m.

I have thought for some time that this would be a good feature. In general, I don't think is is reasonable to expect that a single simple definition will serve all contexts equally well. It seems like allowing alternate definitions would be a fundamental feature.

阿軒   March 26th, 2010 3:05p.m.

A feature where one can write his own notes about a word or character would indeed be great.

Perhaps a text field under the official definition that can be edited, and upon edition the content would be directly saved?

  March 26th, 2010 6:45p.m.

The point you rightfully addressed keeps upcoming in the forum since a few months: The team is already working on it. I am really looking forward for the feature, however, I wont use it for Heisig mnemonics but for vocabulary definitions in my mother tongue.

(I'd therefore appreciate if there would be the possbility to 'hide' the orginal, English definition in favor of the self-created.)

Rolands   March 27th, 2010 12:53a.m.

Yes. that would be great for me allso
Because even if it seems that non-native english speakers like me here are in total minority (is there a statistics by the way?),for such like me there is a double learning process now :). Like I get the word or character definition from MDGB, and it makes me double check translation to my native language. That of course causes a bit slower learning process for whole character as well - because I can't sometimes imagine the context where to use this or that word at all (ok, ok, I know those are MY problems only :) )

ChrisClark   March 27th, 2010 3:55a.m.

I'm looking forward to this feature as well! The main thing that I'd like it for is 1) Adding example sentences 2) adding notes to help nudge me on characters or words where I keep on making mistakes ("leeches" in SRS lingo).

jww1066   March 27th, 2010 7:37a.m.

@Rolands It's not only your problem, other people have mentioned it before. The idea of having definitions in other languages has been discussed at least once or twice and I still think it's a good one. Some of us have offered to volunteer our time to translate the definitions into other languages.


nicogo   April 5th, 2010 3:46p.m.

I would love to see this feature also !
Not only personnal definitions in another language (french in my case), but also, as I have done for each new character in Plecodict flashcards, a few lines of mnemonics to remember the pronunciation, tone and definition. Would be awesome !!

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