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C/J language interface

murrayjames   February 20th, 2010 6:15a.m.

I recently set my Gmail and Facebook accounts to 中文. The interface, the prompts--everything--are now in Chinese. Which is great. Every bit of immersion helps.

Is a Chinese (or Japanese) language interface in Skritter's future?

ximeng   February 20th, 2010 8:37a.m.

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There's a start...

nick   February 20th, 2010 8:40a.m.

Yes, but not very soon. It will be a lot of work! It is a very advanced learner indeed that can handle a Chinese-only interface, and most students aren't that advanced. The biggest advantage would be for those who don't know English--advanced learners from anywhere could go Chinese-Chinese.

But yeah, that will be cool.

ximeng   February 20th, 2010 9:01a.m.

An adaptive interface based on how much you'd studied would be really cool.

Zach   February 20th, 2010 5:14p.m.

If it's not too much of an intrusion, how many characters do you know?

I'd be lying if I said that the thought never crossed my mind to change my interface languages, but my level doesn't really permit that. How is it working out so far?

murrayjames   February 20th, 2010 6:06p.m.

Zach, I'm not sure how many characters I know. (1500, maybe?) My Chinese level is elementary/lower intermediate. I'm conversational, sort of.

In April I'm moving to China. Since I'll be in total immersion soon, I gave myself an early start: switching programs to Chinese, using monolingual dictionaries, etc. Of course I don't know all the characters I come across, but I don't need to. I'm learning by struggling through it.

Hopefully ximeng will answer too. He's the 大师 around here :-)

ximeng   February 20th, 2010 7:12p.m.

I don't know how many characters I can read either. I get 3000+ on the character test at http://www.clavisinica.com/character-test-applet.html without *too* much guessing. But I'm not so confident in my Chinese that using websites in Chinese doesn't stretch me.

jww1066   February 21st, 2010 8:35a.m.

@ximeng that web site is excellent! Even testing only 26 characters, it guessed 1422 characters for me, which is very close to correct. I was at 1300 before I nuked Skritter and started over; now I'm at 500+ but many are characters I already knew, so 1422 a pretty damn good guess.


Byzanti   February 21st, 2010 8:38a.m.

Guessed massively under for me (Skritter defs didn't correlate to theirs on 2-3)...

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