Looks like the Great Firewall or something like it is preventing you from completely loading www.skritter.com because it is hosted on Google App Engine, which is periodically blocked. Try instead our mirror:


This might also be caused by an internet filter, such as SafeEyes. If you have such a filter installed, try adding appspot.com to the list of allowed domains.

iOS "recalc" pending reviews

nomadwolf   November 23rd, 2012 12:52a.m.

When I go into the iOS app, it often takes a little while to catch up with what reviews are pending.

I usually Skritter in the morning and get my queue down to about 0 - 15 remaining, but when I return in the afternoon, it is often still at 3 reviews pending and can take up to 5 minutes to realize that it should be 40!

Is there a way I can "force" it to recalc before I start skrittering? Yesterday it added 4 or 5 words before the recalc was done, and I'm not a fan of that... adding words only when my reviews are all settled helps me keep the workload managable.

nick   November 23rd, 2012 1:49a.m.

Are you leaving the app sitting on the study screen, or the home screen? It may be more likely to recalculate when it tries to sync, which will happen automatically from time to time, but also every time you go to the home screen (as long as it hasn't just done it).

Do you still see the pending review recalculation delay when it is definitely syncing, or only when it also is not syncing?

nomadwolf   November 23rd, 2012 2:06a.m.

I do other things with the iPod during the day, so I don't let it sit in either screen!

When I "exit" the app after studying, it's usually on the study screen, but when I get to the office, I go to the home screen to verify that it gets sync'd.
And in the afternoon when I start studying, I always verify that it syncs before I go to the study page (I definitely did that yesterday).
(I don't use the web version any more, so there's no external data to sync in).

but after I noticed that it hadn't recalculated (since 3 pending reviews is never correct), I didn't go back to the main screen.

夏普本   November 23rd, 2012 3:40a.m.

I have noticed this before as well although its not so much an issue for me.. I just assume there are more there and keep skrittering until it is corrected. It's not nice when you go on and it says 50 reviews then your just about to finish and notice its now 200 or something. I nearly always try and exit to the home screen before closing the app.

Schnabelhund   November 23rd, 2012 5:30a.m.

There’s a similar problem in the web version, too! I often have to review items I reviewed a few minutes earlier.

DependableSkeleton   November 23rd, 2012 8:36a.m.

Although not a big issue for me, I have noticed this. When I'm in a rush and really need to get started on my reviews, I start flipping back and forth between the Skritter app and Pleco. This usually causes Skritter to crash on my first gen iPad. When I restart, it automatically recalculates. :)

jcardenio   November 23rd, 2012 8:39a.m.

This has happened pretty regularly for me for all versions of the iOS app. I usually exit to the home screen and carry on about using my phone for the next hour or two. When I go back to the app it will usually show 1 or 2 reviews, even though it should be 30 or 40. This seems to be true regardless of how many times I sync it. If I just keep studying, it will eventually recalculate after 5 or 10 mins.

I've just gotten in the habit of force quitting the app before I go back to studying. This always gets it to recalculate before I start.

junglegirl   November 23rd, 2012 9:52a.m.

This happens to me regularly too, but I don't think it ever takes as long as 10 minutes. It usually regulates itself pretty quickly so it hasn't been much of an issue.

nick   November 23rd, 2012 1:42p.m.

Thanks for the bug reports. We'll work on making that recalculation trigger faster in a future update.

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