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Reading & Writing Chinese W. McNaugton

Grahameh   August 22nd, 2010 1:03a.m.

There is no cram list to match this book as far as I can see. Pity because it seems an excellent book for systematically learning characters.

Laurent Mattiussi   August 22nd, 2010 1:45a.m.

I fully agree, McNaughton is excellent. I published this list a few days ago (Traditional Character Edition):


Laurent Mattiussi   August 22nd, 2010 5:39a.m.
Grahameh   August 22nd, 2010 7:55p.m.

Thanks for that. I have added it to my vocab lists. Now if there was only a way to separate out all the "A" level words so I could skip the others to start with... It is probably good to learn the Chinese terms for 'enclosure', 'slash', etc, which I hadn't planned to do until I started on your list, where they can't really be skipped, without going to the trouble of deleting them.
I like Naughton because it is completely systematic - no component used in a new character unless that component has been learnt before. Doesn't give mnemonics like Heisig, but because all the elements are known it is easy to make one's own mnemonic, and it gives examples of compounds, again only using characters previously introduced.

Laurent Mattiussi   August 23rd, 2010 12:30a.m.

It doesn't seem to me there's a way to separate out a certain category of words, unless you make a special list, of course, but the "Radicals" list (Vocabulary, Textbooks) might help you:


nick   August 23rd, 2010 11:03a.m.

Loup des steppes, may I publish your McNaughton list as an official Skritter textbook list? It is excellent!

Laurent Mattiussi   August 29th, 2010 3:15a.m.

Sorry, Nick, I'm just coming back to this topic. Of course, you may. I should be really pleased this list could be useful for others.

nick   August 29th, 2010 9:10p.m.

Thanks! It's in the textbooks list, now.

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