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Importing vocab from Chinese Pod

jimi02   November 14th, 2010 10:53a.m.

I just signed up for the free trial at Chinese Pod and did my first lesson, saved the vocabulary, etc. When I log in to my Chinese Pod account through Skritter, though, nothing comes up in the "Lessons" screen. Could this be because I'm on a free trial? Or maybe I didn't do something right on the Chinese Pod end... ?

Mandarinboy   November 14th, 2010 7:04p.m.

Should work. In the lessons screen though there are only lessons you have marked to study i think. Have you tried to click the tab "Your labels"? That is where the labels you have created in Chinesepod should be seen. I have a payed account and for me it works great. My main source to new words in skritter.

nick   November 16th, 2010 11:16a.m.

Looks like it's working for you now? Are you still not seeing the lessons?

nickybr38   November 19th, 2010 6:34p.m.

Actually, I've been having issues uploading some Chinese Pod lessons to my account. The 'Months' lesson doesn't seem to be in the database at all.

Are all Chinese Pod lessons accessible through Skritter or are some of them not yet in the system?

nick   November 19th, 2010 7:11p.m.

When was the lesson in question published, and what level is it? We do automatically pull in the new lessons, but it might not have happened yet, or that one might have gotten lost somewhere. Or, if it's one of the very earliest ones, it might have been formatted weirdly.

nickybr38   November 23rd, 2010 3:38p.m.

Sorry. ): I no longer have my Chinese Pod account. I had to choose between Skritter and Chinese Pod and since Skritter was cheaper I chose it - so I have no way of checking how old that lesson was.

I still like uploading the Chinese Pod lessons into Skritter. I figure when I can afford a CP account again I'll be all set. :)

I do believe, however, that it was an older lesson. So maybe it was formatted strangely.

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