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re-arranging queue words

mucmuc   July 21st, 2010 2:14a.m.

Hey all,
Is there any way to re-organize a list to prioritize which words in the list will be added into my queue next? When i first created my skritter account I just made one big list and typed in all the words I wanted to learn. This has been working fine but because I was just typing words I wanted to know how to write into the list in whatever order they popped into my head it's had the side effect that I now know how to write words like 莫, but can't yet write 好. The ideal solution would be to take the same word list I'm using now and just re-order the words in it, but I'm open to anything that'll get the words I want to study in my queue sooner. Any ideas?

Doug (松俊江)   July 21st, 2010 3:52a.m.

Reordering is likely the easiest way.

If there are only a few words you really want to learn first (like 好 - but this one I'd not worry too much about as it's one I'm sure you'll be exposed to enough that it'll be impossible to forget after a while) you might want to create a separate list of the key words and study it first (pause the other list until the key words list is complete).

Hope this helps.

mucmuc   July 21st, 2010 2:24p.m.

so how exactly do I go about reordering it? I haven't been able to find any part of the interface that lets me reorder the words.

making a new list with the words I want to study first is an option, if there's not other way I'll do that, but I'd prefer to continue using study Everything mode so that Skritter can take care of all the SRS

Doug (松俊江)   July 22nd, 2010 12:26a.m.

Scott, you're going to need to help me with this one. If you have the list in Word you can re-order and re-import, I'm not sure if there is an easy way to reorder using the Skritter interface.

mucmuc   July 22nd, 2010 3:09a.m.

Thanks for the pointer, I didn't have the list in word, but your comment put me on the right track. I went ahead and exported it, re-ordered, then re-imported it into a new list. I've now removed the old list words from study and re-added the new list to my queue, and that seems to have taken care of it.

Somewhat related question: is there a way to add words to the top of the queue? I know I could cram a list or use the scratchpad if I have an individual word or two to study, but is there a simple way to just mark a few words as "high priority" and have them be the next words added when skritter decides to add words in study everything mode?

scott   July 22nd, 2010 11:43a.m.

Reordering by exporting the words is currently the most efficient way to reorder a list, it's true. Glad that worked out well for you!

As for the queue, currently there's no way to do that. I've had a handful of queue updates on my list of things to do for a while now but they keep on getting pushed back. Making it possible to edit your queue, and view what's been added from it before, are the main things I'll do to it when it gets upgraded. Not sure when that's going to happen though.

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