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In case you had any doubts that 汉字 were really necessary...

digilypse   March 9th, 2010 10:24a.m.

...well, here's a story made up entirely of "shi". Good luck understanding the pinyin version! Read carefully - it does make sense!

(source,explanation and background: http://baike.baidu.com/view/19225.htm)

Anyone have similar examples of weird/interesting pieces of writing?

mutoidman   March 9th, 2010 12:41p.m.

I've already made it a milestone for when I'm able to read this passage :)

grahaml   March 9th, 2010 1:32p.m.

Try this site www.yellowbridge.com/onlinelit/stonelion.php
which I think is the same story but with pinyin and Enlish alongside the Chinese. When I first read this and found 45 characters for shi in my dictionary I despaired. Then Wenlin gives me choice of 140 shi's! Bit this pales into insignificance alongside ji (262) or even li (172) - it's probably best to pretend you don't know...

lennier61   March 9th, 2010 2:53p.m.

Great! many thanks! My son really enjoyed that.

Tortue   March 11th, 2010 2:25a.m.

Very interesting!

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