Looks like the Great Firewall or something like it is preventing you from completely loading www.skritter.com because it is hosted on Google App Engine, which is periodically blocked. Try instead our mirror:


This might also be caused by an internet filter, such as SafeEyes. If you have such a filter installed, try adding appspot.com to the list of allowed domains.

followin up forum discussions via email

WanLi   February 17th, 2010 6:11a.m.

it would be nice if either the forum can remember which subjects i have visited and if there are new follow ups. or send this as newsgroup email to my inbox so i can filter them and follow them as i feel like it. i know this forum is not high traffic one, but it is full with useful tips and other user experiences that i would like to keep a tap on.

jww1066   February 17th, 2010 11:07a.m.

I agree, I often find myself rechecking the forum page to see if certain threads have any new replies. The blog is actually better in this regard, maybe because it uses Disqus.


百发没中   February 17th, 2010 11:32a.m.

Another thing that might be nice would be the possibilty of being able to PM someone. Occasionally there is a person I wouldn't mind asking something and feel a direct message is more appropriate than a public post in the forum.

nick   February 17th, 2010 12:20p.m.

If you click the email icon in the upper right corner of a thread, it will email all further replies to that thread to you. You can toggle it off, too.

I made this last month or so but George still hasn't made a good icon to replace my incredibly awesome one, so no one knows it's there.

It wouldn't be very easy for us to keep track of which posts you've read for App Engine performance reasons. It's easy for me because I always read in the same browser, so the visited link color does it for me, but if you're on different computers, then that doesn't work. Alas.

Private messages were actually planned with the first version of the forum but didn't quite make it. We could probably make them, although I think we'd wait until doing a bigger social features push with user profiles and everything.

jww1066   February 17th, 2010 11:50p.m.

@nick Awesome, you fixed it so fast you actually traveled back in time and put the fix in a month ago.


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