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Bug new list editor

MasterOfComboBoxes   December 9th, 2010 5:46a.m.

I entered two characters and separated them by a space.
If I work with the mouse and click behind the space, somehow the search in your database is triggered immediately.
If using cursor I can jump behind the space and delete it.

Also shouldn't I be able to enter spaces between characters to separate words. In this case only the first character is matched. Going to editing, shows all the characters entered with spaces again. Not sure if the old list editor had the same behaviour.

MasterOfComboBoxes   December 9th, 2010 5:57a.m.

If you click on one of the recognized words in the list editing mode the pop-up opens up.
If the server lags or hangs (bug already) and you tip close suddenly the whole list is closed and you are back to section overview. No list saved...

Do it again Alpha...

Chrome Javascript console:
​Add Words​​
4/js/common+live.346778440170224675.js:418Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'close' of null

MasterOfComboBoxes   December 9th, 2010 6:25a.m.

Ok word spaces were done in pinyin, not in the characters..

scott   December 10th, 2010 2:15p.m.

Hmm, actually the clicking of the row to go between editing and done was left there intentionally, thinking that would be more convenient. Hadn't thought about how it could also be frustrating if you're trying to place your cursor in the text! Hmm, might want to remove that then...

Spaces shouldn't be used for the writing; they can be mistaken as an attempt to input multiple pieces of information. The parser's pretty complex and adding in spaces could confuse it I think.

Fixed the bug where you click the character it brings up the popup. Will upload that fix soon.


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