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When is the definition showing up?

Mandarinboy   November 7th, 2010 7:15a.m.

I am trying to figure out when new words / characters / tones are presented to me. I added e.g. 黄豆 (soy bean) a week ago. I got the word and the characters as well as the tones the same day. Now, a week later comes the definition. Why is that? In what order are they supposed to come and when? Should they not all come at least the same day? What am I missing here? I recall that I have had this word before i nuked my account and at that point it did show up as i thought it should. Is this due to my stupidity to nuke my account every now and then or is it something else?

Bohan   November 8th, 2010 2:42a.m.

I think it would be best if you didn't nuke your account anymore. Unless your Skritter vocab has a huge mess of words that you added indiscriminately and are now overwhelmed , stay away from nuking your account.
I actually don't do definitions, so I don't know about that.

Mandarinboy   November 8th, 2010 2:53a.m.

I know that but from time to time I need to help out my daughter with her Chinese tests or like in this case my own HSK test. I do not take that seriously on my study so it have been a bad habit to nuke my account every now and then. I really should get my self a second account instead. Good for the ego though. My retention rate for the first 1000 characters or so usually gets very nice:-)

nick   November 10th, 2010 10:12a.m.

Items for different parts of the same words can be spaced out so that they don't interfere with other parts for those words. So when you do the writing and tone of 黄豆, it will push the definition back a little, since you just saw it and would presumably remember the definition from that.

Wouldn't usually push it back a week for a new item, I think, but there are a lot of things that go into that sort of scheduling, so it could be something else or a combination of things like that.

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