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Nice skritter moments

Mandarinboy   August 29th, 2010 11:17p.m.

While skrittering is always very fun, some moments are extra memorable. I had one such this weekend. I went to Mount Fuji to climb the mountain. Since I am the stupid person I am something did get wrong with my buss trip and i where dropped of in a small city in the valley below and not at the 5:th station where people usually start from. Due to this I had to walk some extra 70 Km by foot. Since i would not make it in time for the sunrise this time (I have been there before) I decided to take a rest on a very scenic spot in the forest and sit there to do some skrittering while the sun where rising. That where a truly memorable moment. Such moments are like mnemonics, a very goo way to remember characters. Others have had any really memorable moment with skritter?

nick   August 30th, 2010 7:48a.m.

Wow! That's a great story. And you even had internet access in the middle of the forest? I want to climb Mount Fuji! Perhaps next someone can actually Skritter on top of a mountain.

I don't have any particularly awesome ones--I always Skritter in the office--but there was a time very early on that I was testing things with some new code I had written, and I ended up getting sucked in and practicing instead (the first time, really). After a while, I realized, hey guys, this thing is actually going to work! It's awesome!

mcfarljw   August 30th, 2010 11:21p.m.

I'm not sure about how Skrittering on top of the mountain would work, but I know you can send postcards from the top to the Skritter Headquarters. Last time I climbed Fuji I went in the off season to avoid too much traffic at the cost of colder weather, but there was still so many Japanese groups climbing it I almost missed the sunrise because of a line at the top!

I don't know if I have good memorable moments on Skritter, but I certainly have some bad ones like being stuck in various airports or missing the last train and camping out for the night haha.

Mandarinboy   August 31st, 2010 3:23a.m.

You can actually skritter from the top. At least i did have cell phone coverage on the top but i never did try to skritter. To many people to get any good spot for studying. I do have my fare share of bad experiences just like you, sleeping over at airports due to the volcanic eruption, delayed planes etc. Sometimes very nice times but mostly not. Luckily i tend to forget them easily:-)

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