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Nuking an account does not remove star marked words

Mandarinboy   August 15th, 2010 6:20a.m.

Just noticed that when i nuked my account, the star marked words are still left untouched. Is this intentionally? By the way, the star system is one of the best features, totally love it. Helps me a lot to be able to cram them separately.

nick   August 16th, 2010 7:26a.m.

Not intentional, but as I think about it, the same would go for your mnemonics. Seems like those are all worth keeping around, eh? Especially the shared ones. What do you think?

Glad you're liking the stars. It doesn't seem like many people are using it (at least, not to study their starred words), though.

Mandarinboy   August 16th, 2010 7:39a.m.

yes, I gave that a second thought earlier today and that is true. besides, it is very easy to delete the starred words manually. Must say that I love that feature. There is always a few characters that simply do not stick to my brain and i like to study only those from time to time. Very efficient for me at least.

skritterjohan   August 20th, 2010 11:43a.m.

I have a few of those too. Anki has an interesting feature called "leeches" where it removes items from study if they take up inordinate amounts of time.

There is something to be said for not studying items that for some reason do not mesh with your brain and instead using the time to study other stuff.

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