Is it possible to enable the Heisig keywords for only some lists? Right now I'm working my way through Remembering the Traditional Hanzi 1 (I'll publish it when I'm done, since strangely I can't find a full Heisig list in Skritter yet) and am adding each word to a Heisig list I've created. Using Skritter for review with the Heisig Keywords settings enabled is wonderful for this.
However, I also another non-Heisig lists which I want to continue practicing, but since I haven't reached most of the characters on that list in Heisig yet, seeing Heisig keywords and no normal definitions for those words is not helpful. Is there any way to enable the Heisig keywords only for my Heisig list and not for my other lists? If not, any work-arounds? Right now I'm studying my Heisig list first, then going to preferences and enabling Heisig before studying the Heisig words. This works, but it's a bit cumbersome to keep mucking with the preferences and also means I can no longer use the study everything mode since that mixes all the Heisig and non-Heisig words together and I get either all Heisig keywords or none.