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Characters Learned

贺知宝   July 14th, 2010 2:40p.m.

Hello again,

Does the "written characters learned" number on the progress page describe unique characters learned, or is it simply the number of words learned multiplied by the number of characters per word. For example, if I had learned the characters in a list containing 需要 and 要求, would that number display 3 or 4?



Byzanti   July 14th, 2010 3:01p.m.

Unique characters. So there you've got 2 words and 3 characters.

Tove   July 14th, 2010 4:08p.m.

Thanks Byzanti, and pharchik for bringing it up. I still don´t quite understand these definitions.

If I study 需要 only as a word, and not the individual characters, will it be counted as 1 word only, or as 1 word and 2 characters?

Byzanti   July 14th, 2010 4:24p.m.

1 word and 2 characters. Even if you don't study the characters individually, they still count towards the total. If you do decide to later study them separately, then it'll make no difference to stats. Good thing too - presently I prefer to study characters within words only.

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