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practice feauture

joschua011   March 27th, 2010 10:28a.m.

i really like the new practice page, but i would like an feauture to only study the 10 or 20 words i know least, should not be that hard to do....
what do you think?

Byzanti   March 27th, 2010 10:47a.m.

That's largely automatic... the ones you know least come back most often!

digilypse   March 27th, 2010 11:32a.m.

Go to your Vocabulary page, then Export. Export 10 (or desired number) words in order of Well Known (least known first). You'll get a list of your 10 least known words. Copy the list. Go to Practice. Paste the words in the Scratchpad and go. Voila!

george   March 27th, 2010 12:32p.m.

Well it would seem that I've been beaten to our own forums by our users (thanks guys!).

Joschua01, you can definitely accomplish this by doing what digilypse recommended. In fact, that would probably be my recommendation as well.

However, we're kind of up to our elbows in redesigning the practice navigation page right now, so if you have specific requests or suggestions on better ways to improve that, now's a great time to send us an email with your thoughts.

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