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grahaml   February 11th, 2010 9:37a.m.

I just started generating a custom list to match a book I have called "First thousand words in Chinese" -designed for children so just right for me. On the first 4 pages (78 words) I found at least a dozen new (to Skritter) words. I worry about you guys out there - never used an ironing board or a vacuum cleaner (hoover)? or are you too busy getting thousands of words under your belt to clean up :-). Go pick up the 茶巾 (chá jīn) and dry thoses dishes right now.

Byzanti   February 11th, 2010 10:00a.m.

Well, I've certainly added a 吸尘器 to my list before.

But I do need more these sorts of words. Looking forward to your list!

nick   February 11th, 2010 10:36a.m.

We clean the apartment and dishes all the time, but, shame on us, we clean in English!

Besides, how would I know which one to use?



葛修远   February 15th, 2010 5:53a.m.

hey, let us know when you've finished creating that list - I think it'd be really useful

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