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Issues when using Skritter with Wacom tablet and Windows 7

mykal   February 26th, 2010 9:00p.m.

I have a Wacom Intuos 3 tablet that I use to practice characters in Skritter, and I find that it works beautifully with Windows XP, maybe even better than on Mac OS X. However, when I try to use it in Windows 7, it is practically unusable.

I have to be deliberate with every stroke in order for the stroke to show up, and even then, it only recognizes the strokes about 50% of the time.

Has anyone else had this kind of issue? And if so, how did you fix it?

nick   February 26th, 2010 9:39p.m.

Try the settings suggested by sarac:

press and hold - disabled
double tap - speed fast
- spatial tolerance small
flicks (at the suggestion of the wacom tech โ€“ I donโ€™t know if makes a difference) - off
BAMBOO settings
pen tip feel - soft
double click distance - small

I think it's the press and hold or the spatial tolerance.

From this thread:

mykal   February 27th, 2010 4:14a.m.

The settings listed above appear to have fixed my problems. Thanks Nick and sarac!

For any other Windows 7 newbies, the control panel settings specified above are found in the "Pen and Touch" applet in the Control Panel.

I am very comfortable configuring Windows XP, but it took me 15 minutes to figure out where the settings were and another 5 minutes to get them configured on Windows 7.

Lurks   February 27th, 2010 6:55p.m.

Yeah they're in two places which is kind of retarded. Definitely need to tweak these settings.

I also restrict the screen to one quarter of the pad. Which is kind of interesting, there's one scratchy/dirty little thumbnail sized patch on my pad where I actually skritter :)

Nany   March 1st, 2010 12:35a.m.

I'm a new user on Skritter.
I'm using the Wacom Intuous 4 (Mac OS X) and sometimes when I click next it jumps a word/tone. I noticed because I heard two sounds in a row and then if I click the back arrow it's always an extra word there.

First I thought that it was me clicking too fast but I tried to do it slowly but still does the same thing (sometimes when it's a tone or a flashcard).

I tried to adjust the settings according what Nick said but my settings aren't the same.
I just have Tilt Sensitivity (normal-high), Tip Feel (soft-firm) and Tip Double Click Distance (off-large)

Also checked if it was Chrome, I tried on Firefox and was the same.


arp   March 1st, 2010 1:36a.m.

I don't use a Wacom, but continue to experience similar issues to what Nany described above.

I've been trying to analyze when it occurs, because it doesn't happen all the time. I'm fairly clear now that it begins to happen once I have completed all my practice list, and am working on characters that are less than 100% due. It can get quite wacky at times.

nick   March 1st, 2010 12:20p.m.

Is it possible that there are loading dots (...) in the upper left when this happens? Otherwise, I'm not sure what could be happening. Are others experiencing this?

Nany   March 1st, 2010 11:35p.m.

I tried to go very slowly and keept happening especially after a flashcard, it just skips to the next one.

nick   March 2nd, 2010 9:43p.m.

Are you clicking the next button or using the next cursor in the Flash area? Can you try the other method and see if it still does the same thing?

By the way, I'm uploading Wacom pressure sensitivity right now. It will require you to enable it in the practice page settings menu, because otherwise it will complain about a missing plugin (although for some it should be installed already with the Wacom drivers). If you have the tip feel set to max softness, it will max out easily and draw really big. I set mine two notches down and it works better.

Nany   March 4th, 2010 6:10p.m.

I'm using the next cursor in the flash area. I'm going to try the other way to see what happens and I'll let you know.

I just installed the Wacom plug-in, first it said "Wacom not detected" and after clear the cache worked but after I refreshed the error came out again. I'm not sure what I need to do.

Nany   March 4th, 2010 6:51p.m.

I was on a flash card and tapped on "1-forgot" and jumped.
then I when back and used the keyboard pressing 1 and when to the next one without jumping.

I kept going back to the flash card and when I clicked on a number lids up and jumps the word. It's a weird thing, sometimes does it but not every single time.

Nany   March 4th, 2010 6:57p.m.

Sorry for all the updates but now I finally saw the pattern..
I have the option "Use grading options" turned on, and every time that I click or tap with the pen jumps a card (doesn't happen with the keyboard).
And the jumped card always gets the previous grade.

nick   March 5th, 2010 12:40a.m.

Hmm. I can't reproduce, but I'm on Windows. Can any other Mac users confirm this, either with a Wacom or mouse?

mykal   March 5th, 2010 1:22a.m.

I tried reproducing the problem on my Mac running Skritter on Chrome with a Wacom Intuos 3 tablet, but wasn't able to get Skritter to jump any cards.

Byzanti   March 5th, 2010 12:29p.m.

If I'm dozy tapping I'll very occasionally skip cards, but that's a user problem.


arp   March 5th, 2010 7:15p.m.

The only time I have gotten the jumping is after I've done all the practice review. Say I'm only doing writing practice; I've done all the review and have started into the less than 100% words. That's when it starts up. It's a little random though; I don't think it happened this morning.

Nany   March 5th, 2010 10:43p.m.

I was able to reproduced with the Wacom Intous 4 on MAC (Chrome and Firefox)

I just tried with a different Wacom (ET-0405-U) and doesn't do it.

Nany   March 5th, 2010 11:13p.m.

Hey Nick, did you guys updated it?.. Now after I click on a number it just goes to the next one (normally with out skipping).. Feels good.

I'll try with the Intuos on Monday, I don't have it with me now.

scott   March 8th, 2010 2:31p.m.

Nick is gone for the week; not sure if he changed anything. But glad it's better!

Nany   March 9th, 2010 5:07p.m.

Looks like the problem is on my Intous 4.. with the other one worked fine.
Maybe I have to play with the settings.

nick   March 16th, 2010 10:06p.m.

Nany, that's very strange! Have you tried installing the latest drivers for the Intuos? Please keep us updated if changing any settings helps fix this. If you can't find it anywhere, email me and we can work more closely together so that Skritter counteracts whatever extra clicks the Intuos is sending.

By the way, another Wacom setting for Windows 7 (and maybe Vista): if you want to disable the ripple effects from the pen clicks, the only way I've found to do it so far is to disable all tablet PC input services. So no handwriting input, but if you don't use it, you can at least get rid of the ripples:

Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Component Services -> Services (Local) -> Tablet PC Input Service -> Stop, Disabled

If anyone has a better way to do this, I'd be really glad to hear of it.

arp   March 17th, 2010 6:13a.m.

Since my last comment above on March 5th, this strangeness seems to have gone away. I have been "over-practicing" to test it out, and so far it seems to have been resolved. I'll report if it re-appears.

Nany   March 17th, 2010 9:41a.m.

Nick, the problem persist. I emailed you.

nick   March 21st, 2010 9:55p.m.

Glad we got that fixed, Nany. Tricky one!

For reference: a user sends in that for Windows Vista, you can turn off the ripples more easily:

Control Panel > Pen and Input Devices > Pointer Options > Dynamic feedback > Single-tap

็Ž‹ๆ–‡   March 25th, 2010 5:45p.m.

I have the Wacom sapphire table CTE-430 and when I try to write on skritter it highlights the surrounds and it produces and the stroke doesn't disappear it just makes a long line

nick   March 25th, 2010 5:52p.m.

W, have you tried the settings in the second post in this thread? If you have, and it still doesn't work, please take a screenshot and attach it to an email to me, and maybe I can figure it out.

jones   May 25th, 2010 12:08a.m.

I have an interesting issue with Windows 7. It keeps forgetting the above mentioned settings, flicks is virtually impossible to turn off since as soon as the machine reboots or hibernates, the settings are gone and back to default. I'm not sure if anyone else is experiencing this, but it makes the whole thing unusable as Skritter recognizes strokes that are not even there / visible on the canvas. And I do need to turn off my machine every now and then.

nick   May 25th, 2010 12:42a.m.

Hmm, that's brutal. Never heard of that issue before, and searching's not turning anything up. I'd suggest a Wacom driver update, but it's unlikely because it sounds like it's the Windows Pen and Touch settings that aren't saving, not the Wacom ones.

You could try the idea of disabling the pen input services, if that might be the think resetting the preferences:

Windows 7: Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Component Services > Services (Local) > Tablet PC Input Service -> Stop, Disabled. (Unfortunately, this will also disable other handwriting tools.)

(From this page we created: http://www.skritter.com/wacoms/settings )

jones   May 25th, 2010 1:55a.m.

okay, after disabling the Tablet PC Input Service the whole pen stopped working. Now it works only as a touchpad... also Bamboo preferences fails to start. I'll reinstall the drivers and start the whole process from zero, this has to be some driver corruption.

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