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adding words for just one chapter at a time

alegria   March 6th, 2011 8:26p.m.

Hi, I have noticed that the recent setup of Skritter has become more awkward to use. This especially relates to adding the words just from one chapter for example. I don't see a way to cram just one chapter of vocab words anymore either. I am just missing something? I think the previous format for Skritter was more user-friendly. Thanks for your help!

AnTing   March 6th, 2011 10:21p.m.

There is a way that I found, but I think that it could be more visible. (maybe something in the FAQ about "I would like to certain sections for a test")

Anyway, if you go into the list->contents and click on the section, then scroll to the bottom there is a "Study Section" button. I think this is what you are looking for.

You can also make a remixed list of the initial list that only contains the sections that you want to study and then choose to only study that list.

Byzanti   March 7th, 2011 4:36a.m.

If you go to account --> study settings --> section movement, you can change it to "Stop adding from list when section complete". So Skritter will, effectively, like before, pause when it reaches the end of one section.

When you want to start the next section press "restart adding" (either on the study page or when practice page under "my lists").

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